Welcome to Calcasieu 4-H Shooting Sports!

Jennifer Cantrell, Lane, Carrie





The Louisiana 4-H Shooting Sports program encompasses the initiative goals of volunteer leadership, capacity building for youth and families, and the environmental stewardship with commitments from the Louisiana State University AgCenter. The 4-H Shooting Sports Program is an active program that is attractive to both youth and adults. The program uses positive learning and interaction with youth and adult role models. The disciplines are modeled after the National 4-H Shooting Sports Program and are administered by nationally certified-state leaders consisting of extension personnel and volunteers.

4-H membership – All 4-H Shooting Sports members in good standing are eligible to compete in 4-H shooting sports events. Official 4-H enrollment is required by 4-H enrollment card/online enrollment.

Age Requirement – 4-H Club members must be 9 years of age before January 1 of the current club year and must not have passed their 19th birthday on January 1. Juniors will be shooters ages 9-13 as of January 1st of the current year. Seniors will be shooters ages 14-19 as of January 1st of the current year

Training – a) Participants are required to have completed 8 hours of 4-H Shooting Sports discipline training each year in each discipline in which they want to compete. A 4-H Shooting Sports certified discipline instructor will verify workshop completion and competition on individual registration forms. b) 4-H Members who have passed their 10th birthday on or before January 1st of 2021 MUST have completed a certified Hunter Education Course in order to compete at the regional or state level. This training is available through the Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries at www.wlf.state.la.us/hunting/education.

Team Composition - Teams are composed of 4 individuals in all disciplines except for BB Gun and Shotgun-Modified Trap (BB Gun teams shall consist of 5 team members and up to 2 alternates/Shotgun-Modified Trap shall consist of 5 team members). Team competition will take place in Regional Matches Only. No teams except BB Gun will be assigned before Match. Top individual scores from each parish will determine teams. You cannot qualify for State on a team except in BB Gun.

Event Participation –Participants are expected to compete in the required state events within the discipline in order to qualify for Nationals. Look at event synopsis starting on page 39.

Health and Safety

Health & Code of Conduct Forms - It is the responsibility of each parish coordinator to have the appropriate health and code of conduct forms for each participant. An adult supervisor or coach should be present at the event site, with immediate access to the forms anytime their youth are participating in an event. These forms may be obtained through local/state 4-H offices.

Safety – Safety is the highest priority for range staff, participants, coaches, and spectators. Standard accepted safety rules will be followed at all times, special safety considerations will be announced at each venue. The Match Director, Range officers, or other event staff may dismiss anyone from the range for unsafe behavior. The score may be forfeited, participant disqualified, or spectators barred at the discretion of the Louisiana 4-H Shooting Sports staff.

Handguns – Participants must comply with all federal laws pertaining to youth and handguns (see Youth Safety Handgun Act). Federal law prohibits the transportation of a handgun for any reason by a youth under 18 years of age. Please ensure that handguns are transported by an adult.

Equipment – Equipment check in will be at the discretion of the discipline range master and/or state shooting sports coordinator. Equipment should meet the requirements that are specified in the Louisiana 4-H Shooting Sport rules.

Cell Phones – The use of cell phones or other electronic devices are not permitted during competitive events at Regional and State 4-H Shooting Sports Events by participants or coaches unless permission is requested and granted from the range officer.

Eye and Ear Protection Requirement – For all firearm events, eye and ear protection is required. All participants and other persons on or in the immediate vicinity of the firing line, including coaches, range officials and any spectators must wear adequate eye protection (glasses or goggles) and ear protection. The equipment must protect both eyes. For air events, only eye protection is required; and eye protection is strongly recommended but not required for archery events.

Please follow this link to enroll in Shooting Sports/Outdoor Skills for the 2020-2021 year. The deadline to enroll and pay dues is December 1, 2020.

10/16/2019 3:44:33 PM
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