The responsibilities of the Bossier Parish 4-H Advisory Leadership Council are to represent their peers, identify needs and issues, identify opportunities for collaboration, be active in sharing their skills and knowledge to help the parish and understand Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service as a community resource.
See minutes from the council's June 2, 2011 meeting below.
Bossier Parish 4-H Advisory Leadership Council Members
Name Program Area
Alex Sauer
Benton High 4-H'er
Patti Sauer
4-H Parent
Clint Delaune
Benton Middle 4-H'er
Zondrian Kelly-Mack
4-H Parent
Khyria Kelly
Rusheon Middle 4-H'er
Mosse Martinez
Bossier Elementary 4-H'er
Gail Smith
Parent/Waller Elementary Leader
Stephanie Emerson
Christi Turner
Alumni/Cloverbud Leader
Shelly Bihm
Legacy Elementary Leader
Maggi Peairs
Central Park Elementary Leader
Anne Kimbrough
Elm Grove Middle Leader
Rodney Madden
Outdoor Skills Leader
Courtney Ritchie
Haughton Middle 4-H'er
Chris Cates
Parkway High 4-H'er
Chardeneigh Pemberton
Greenacres Middle 4-H'er
Dr. Shelly Barrett
Principal, Meadowview Elementary
Scott Smith
Bossier Parish School Board
Wendy Alderman
Kari WhitlowHaughton High 4-H'er
Cope Middle Leader4-H
Robin Alderman
Eddie Presley4-H Parent
Bossier Parish School Board4-H
Rick Avery
Javier PembertonPolice Jury Member
Kerr Elementary 4-H'er 4-H
Attendees: Eddy Presley (Bossier Parish School Board member), Christy Presley (Leader at WT Lewis Elem.), Patty Sauer (4-H parent), Maggie Peairs (Leader at Central Park Elem.), Brenda Kelly (4-H grandparent), Khyria Kelly (4-H member), Jeannie Crnkovic and Alex Shook (4-H agents).
The American Pledge was led by Khyria Kelly and the 4-H Pledge by Christy Presley.
The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Maggie Peairs and seconded by Christy Presley to approve the minutes.
Jeannie and Alex reviewed the 2010-11 4-H parish highlights. Maggie commented that it was good to hand out the project book certificates at the end-of-school awards assemblies, rather than 4-H Awards Night, so that the other students could see 4-H students being recognized.
Jeannie brought up the possibility of combining the five commodity cookery contests into a one-day contest, instead of two. There was discussion that it might be too difficult for a 4-H’er to make and bring that many dishes on one day and that it might limit the members who could participate if they only had the one chance. It was decided to leave the contests as is…conduct the Pecan and Poultry contests on one day and the Beef, Egg and Seafood contests on a separate day. The council also like the Birdhouse Contest being held on the same day as one of the cookeries.
Discussion items from Council:
*Patti feels that the high school students are disconnected from the community service portion of 4-H because there is no organized school club at Benton High School. How can they have leadership information in portfolio if no school club?
*Maggie suggested that maybe there needs to be more engaging offerings.
*Eddy suggested partnering with the STEM initiative to market the 4-H program as a tool for scholarships. Maybe incorporate “interactive cyber 4-H”: start on Facebook page by marketing the program to students as a way to be part of a club. Membership could be online and interactive.
Community Service Ideas (Jeannie will contact each organization and then decide which to adopt for the 2011-12 school year):
1. March of Dimes…..Kimberly Ates
2. Bags Not Rags…..donate backpacks to foster children
3. St. Jude’s Satellite….magnifying glass??? St. Jude’s Foundation????
4. Food Bank
Maggie announced that the Robotics Club had grown this year to 15 members. The goal is to partner with 4-H clubs in South Louisiana. Central Park was the first elementary school to host a robotics competition in Bossier Parish.
The group was asked to vote on the club focus for the upcoming year and the following were the top three choices with #1 being the top choice:
1. Safety, Social Networking/Social Media/Internet Safety/Cyber Bullying
2. LEAP (Phase II)
3. Leadership
The meeting was adjourned at 3:10 pm.