Pat Stinson | 4-H Livestock Parent | 4-H |
Bob Brotherton | Bossier Parish Police Jury | ANR |
Christi Turner | 4-H Parent | 4-H |
Sonja Bailes | Bossier Parish School Board | 4-H |
Bill Burks | Landowner | ANR |
Kathie Rowell | Louisiana Blooms | ANR |
Walt Soes | Landowner | ANR |
Tanya Bearden | 4-H Shooting Sports | 4-H |
Tracy McGill | Bossier Parish Community College | ANR |
Billie Jo Brotherton | Bossier Parish School Board | 4-H |
George Rumbaugh | Bossier Parish Farmer | ANR |
David Montgomery | Bossier City Council | ANR |
Walt Hollis | Bossier Parish Sheriff's Dept. | 4-H |
Michelle Hammonds | 4-H Parent | 4-H |
Cora Davis | Barksdale AFB Club Leader | 4-H |
Donnie Leflett | Bossier Parish Farmer | ANR |
2015 Bossier Parish ALC Meeting Minutes
February 17, 2015
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Red River Wildlife Refuge
Ricky Kilpatrick welcomed everybody and then all members and staff present went around the room introducing themselves and the affiliation they have with the Bossier Parish LSU AgCenter program.
Public members in attendance were: Pat Stinson, George Rumbaugh, Kathie Rowell, Christi Turner, Michelle Hammonds, Sonja Bailes, Cora Davis, Tanya Bearden, Billie Jo Brotherton, Walt Hollis and Bill Burks.
LSU AgCenter staff in attendance included Ricky Kilpatrick, Jeannie Crnkovic, Erika Anderson, Katherine Ervin, Vicky Chesser Green and Linda Perry.
Ricky then discussed with the group their jobs and responsibilities as being a member of the ALC, and stressed the importance of the information the group brings forward in the meeting.
Ricky followed with going over the minutes from last year’s meeting and discussed how the Bossier program addressed the issues that were brought up last year.
The members broke off into smaller groups to discuss what they feel are important issues and then brought those back to the whole group for discussion.
Main issues brought before the group were:
· Community Gardens
- They would like to see more developed throughout the parish.
- They would like to have the full field-to-table process taught.
· Tween/Teen Involvement
- Need to have offered different programs to recruit and retain older youth.
- Offer entrepreneurship programs.
· Joining resources with the Sheriff’s Young Marines program.
· Offer more summer day camp workshops.
- Cover various skill topics such as sewing, cooking and gardening.
· Provide more parish level contests
- This gives more opportunities for 4-H’ers to have things for the 4-H award section in portfolios.
- Would really like to see arts and crafts with birdhouse contest to create a parish-fair type event.
· Need to collaborate with PBS, BPCC and/or new Bossier Parish School for Technology and Innovative Learning to create infomercials about the program.
- Use it as a way to display what all the AgCenter has to offer to the Bossier Parish residents of all ages.
- Tell success stories.
- Create social media awareness campaigns.
· Look into making available various career driven volunteer opportunities.
- Such as Bossier Parks and Recreation
·Public education and awareness on how to control/reduce invasive species populations.
- Tallowtrees, feral hogs, ornamental cotton, etc.
· Need for hunter education courses taught in school system
- Through PE class or archery in school programs.
No other issues came before the group, and the meeting was then officially adjourned.
Minutes from the committee meetings may be retrieved from the links provided below: