Bossier Parish 4-H Advisory Council

The responsibilities of the Bossier Parish 4-H Advisory Leadership Council are to represent their peers, identify needs and issues, identify opportunities for collaboration, be active in sharing their skills and knowledge to help the parish and understand Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service as a community resource.

See minutes from the council's March 19, 2015 meeting below.

Bossier Parish 4-H Advisory Leadership Council Members



Program Area

Dr. Shelly Barrett

Principal, Meadowview Elementary


Sarah Hammonds              

Clover Clusters 4-H'er


Michele Hammonds    

4-H Parent


Christi Turner

Alumni/4-H Parent


Sophie Barish     

United Way


Tom Daniel

Bossier Parish School Board


Shetwan Roberison

Parent/Haughton Middle Leader


Walt Hollis

Bossier Parish Sheriff's Dept.


Tanya Bearden

Shooting Sports Coach/4-H Parent


Sonja Bailes Bain

Bossier Parish School Board


Meghan Gallagher    

Elm Grove Elem. 4-H'er


Elizabeth Gallagher

Curtis Elementary Leader


Jordan Lucas 

Clover Clusters 4-H'er


Mia Lucas 

Greenacres Middle 4-H'er 


Loyd Dodson

Livestock Parent


Lacey Dodson

Haughton High 4-H’er


Eli Stinson

Benton High 4-H’er


Pat Stinson

Livestock Parent


Jessica Williams  
Luis Rodriguez
Lori Hornback

Clover Clusters 4-H'er 
Shooting Sports Coach/4-H Parent
Shooting Sports Coach/4-H Parent


Bossier Parish 4-H Advisory Leadership Council Meeting Minutes
Chimi V's Fajita Factory
March 19, 2015

Members present were Jordan Lucas, Christi Turner, Mia Lucas, Meghan Gallagher, Elizabeth Gallagher, Shetwan Roberison, Jessica Williams, Luis Rodriguez, Sarah Hammonds, Michele Hammonds, Karen Martin, Eli Stinson, Pat Stinson, Elise Spoor, Lori Hornback, Jeannie Crnkovic, Ricky Kilpatrick, Erika Anderson and Alison Smith.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Michele Hammonds. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jordan Lucas and the 4-H Pledge was led by Meghan Gallagher. Erika welcomed everyone, and the meeting was comprised of one-third youth, one-third 4-H and one-third of people in the community. Introductions were made by each member present. Michelle went over the minutes of the last meeting and it stood as read.

Jeannie announced to the group that Bossier Parish has the largest 4-H program in the region and eighth largest in the state. She went over the 2014-2015 Bossier Parish 4-H Highlights.

The birdhouse contest was discussed and the possibility of 4-H’ers entering their winning entries in the respective divisions at the state fair.

Community service projects mentioned:

· Elise Spoor of Elm Grove Elementary spoke about a horse rescue group in Jones, Oklahoma, needing medical care, finding homes for horses, monetary donations or hay, grain, other horse supplies. To find out more information, this is their website

· Michelle Hammonds works with a project called Geaux Bags. These bags contain essentials for youth who are taken out of their homes and put into foster care. When the items are collected, teen members could pack the bags.

· Christi mentioned the Young Marines and will check with Walt on their needs.

· Salvation Army

· Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in Bossier

· Erika – WERLA or Wildlife Education Rehabilitation of Louisiana, based in Shreveport, needs donations. (This is the group that was at Cypress.)

The committee took a vote and decided against the horse rescue group and WERLA. Jeannie and Erika will decide on the community service project for the upcoming school year.

Sarah Hammonds motioned to adjourn the meeting and Alison Smith seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

6/5/2012 7:44:45 PM
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