4-H Portfolio

Mary Crnkovic, Smith, Alison L.

4-H Member's Record of Accomplishments

Record keeping is an important part of every 4-H educational project.  Records show what you have done and learned during your 4-H club work. The 4-H portfolio form, available through the link below, is designed to help you keep your records and other supporting materials in an orderly manner.  The portfolio books that are completed and turned in to the Bossier Extension office will be judged, and recognition/awards will be given for these books at awards night.  Keep this book from year to year and add to it. You may include up to three years of 4-H work in your portfolio.  Many awards, educational trips and college scholarships are given to club members on the basis of their records and project work. 

Don't wait until the last minute to enter your information - work on it regularly.  To access the 4-H Record Book 4-H Portfolio, click here.

For a complete list of upcoming events for Bossier Parish, please visit our online calendar.  If you are unable to download the attached file, please contact the Bossier Parish office at 318-965-2326.

2/25/2011 8:30:11 PM
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