"4-H Camp - "Unbearably" Fun!"
Camp Dates: June 29 - July 3, 2015
Grant Walker 4-H Educational Center, Pollock, Louisiana
Cost: $185 (includes lodging, meals, transportation, camp photo and camp/parish T-shirts)
Sign-up Dates: March 2 - April 10, 2015
If you are interested in canoeing, swimming, archery, making friends and more, then 4-H Summer Camp is for you. To be eligible, you must be in grades 4 - 6 and between the ages of 9 - 12. The Bossier 4-H Extension office will be accepting applications March 2 through April 10, 2015. Spaces are limited so sign-up is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Beginning March 2, 2015, this
registration form must be turned in to our office (Fourth Floor of the Bossier Parish Courthouse in Benton) with at least one-half of the fee. You will receive a packet of paperwork to complete. These papers and any remaining balance must be turned in to the Bossier Parish 4-H office by April 10, 2015. Total cost is $185 and includes transportation, lodging, meals, camp/parish T-shirts and camp photo.
Please call our office at 318-965-2326 if you have questions about 4-H Summer Camp!