2020-21 Ascension 4-H Service Focus

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Each year, the Ascension Parish 4-H Jr. Leader's brainstorm, vote on, and develop the service-learning focus. This year, Ascension 4-H will be doing the Care Campaign. Each month, Jr. Leaders are going to have the opportunity to participate in different service projects dealing with kindness and spreading care throughout the community. School clubs, individual 4-H members, and project clubs are welcomed to jump aboard! The main topics of focus in this year's Care Campaign will be:

  • Hurricane Laura Relief Efforts
    • Donations of plastic totes, bug spray, and gift cards to places like Amazon, Wal-Mart, Target, Gas Cards, Visa Cards, etc. will be accepted at the 4-H Office through September. Any cards to help with essential and basic need will be accepted.
    • Members can make and drop off inspirational cards to deliver with the donated items to those affected by Hurricane Laura.
    • Our beloved Camp Grant Walker was severely damaged. Donations can be made to Camp relief efforts. Click Here to donate.
  • Nursing Home and Assisted Living cards & care packages
  • Adopt-a-family in need for the holidays
  • Helping youth in foster care
  • Veteran's Home cards & care packages
  • Recycling and coastal restoration

If you have any ideas, resources, or would like to make a donation to be placed towards any of these efforts, please contact cbrady@agcenter.lsu.edu!

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The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
