BeeKeepers Essay |
Career Prep Interview |
Clothing Contests |
Demonstrations |
Exhibits |
Life Book Cover Competition |
Poster Contests |
Public Speaking |
Demo Day is a great way for 4-H'ers to practice their speaking skills or to show off their creativity by participating in the Exhibit and Poster Contests. Demo Day will take place on Friday, January 17th, 2025 at the Lamar Dixon Trademart Building
Check-in and exhibit registration/drop-off will take place from 8 am until 9:00 am. At 9:00 am, judging will begin. All speaking and demonstration contestants should arrive by 8:45 am. The clothing contestants should arrive at 10:00 am.
A list of contests is below. Click the individual contest tabs on the left for more detailed rules and guidelines.
This event should be completed by noon. We invite 4-H members to participate in a few planned activities/workshops while judging takes place.