Allen Parish Profile 2024

About the LSU AgCenter

The LSU AgCenter is dedicated to providing innovative research, information and education to improve people’s lives. Working in a unique statewide network of parish extension offices, research stations and academic departments, the LSU AgCenter helps Louisiana citizens make the best use of natural resources, protect the environment, enhance agricultural enterprises and develop human and community resources.

Program Highlights

4-H Youth Development

Allen has over 600 youth enrolled in 21 traditional 4-H clubs having an active club in all parish public schools.

The Allen Parish 4-H Youth Development program strives to build youths’ feelings of belonging through experiential learning opportunities. During the club year, strategies are utilized to build a sense of connection among club members, their peers, adult volunteers, leaders, and 4-H faculty. We offer club meetings, various contests, officer training, shooting sports, award trips, 4-H camps, workshops, livestock projects, chef club and junior leadership club.

Shooting Sports

The purpose of the Allen Parish Shooting Sports Program, our fastest growing program, is to teach youth firearm and archery safety and marksmanship and sportsmanship. Over 100 youth, certified instructors, and many volunteers participated in the program in 2019. Each year we have a steady in-crease of youth and volunteer participation.

Chef Club

Chef Club is a program that is offered to all 4-H members in Allen Parish. While learning about improving our eating habits, and cooking healthy recipes, club members take part in physical activity at every club meeting. At our meetings, we promote physical activity by playing games, group activities, yoga, hula-hoop, jump rope, and much more.

Junior Leadership Club

Our Junior Leader Club focusses on members that are 13-18 years of age. The club meets once a month. Each year the members take an active role in service-learning projects in the parish, including: socks for seniors, children’s cancer awareness, Anti-bullying, Pause for Paws, Environmental awareness, Literacy awareness.

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Rice and soybean producers are provided with information on production and pest management recommendations to maximize crop performance. Through e-mails, rice field days, newsletters, producer meetings, and farm and home visits. Recommended pesticide storage, use, transport, and application procedures are taught through re-certification programs for private applicators. Homeowners and gardeners are kept informed of LSU AgCenter recommendations on insect disease and management practices through web sites, farm home visits, newsletters, and bulletins.

Whom we reach:

2678 - Youth (includes 633 4-H members & 21 school 4-H clubs), 19,589 - Adults, 5,952 Ag & Natural Resources

How we reach them:

4-H clubs, Class series, School Enrichment, Demonstrations, Field days, Workshops, Newsletters, Websites, Publications, Social media.

Expanding our efforts:

  • 300 - 4-H Volunteers
  • 75 - Youth Volunteers

Parish Facts

Allen Parish is located in Southwest Louisiana. The total land area of Allen Parish is 775 square miles or 496,000 acres. There are three major towns in the mostly rural parish: Kinder, Oberlin, and Oakdale. A prison and illegal alien detention center are located in Oakdale. A state medium security prison is located between Oberlin and Kinder. A major wood-using industry manufacturing lumber is located in Oakdale. There are several small sawmills and crosstie mills in the parish. A small manufacturer of boating safety devises is located in Kinder.

Local Issues and Plans for this Year:

Increase productivity and profitability of Louisiana Agriculture

  • Promote the wise use of natural resources and protection of the environment.
  • Field days, field clinics, and field visits for livestock, crop production and pest management.
  • Commodity production meetings for rice, soybeans, forages and livestock.
  • Farm & home educational visits and on-site demonstrations.
  • Cooperate with Farm Bureau, Cattleman’s Association, Rice Growers Association, FSA, NRCS, LDAF, and Department of Wildlife & Fisheries.

Build leaders and good citizens through 4-H youth development.

  • Service learning will be the focus in our Junior Leadership club along with teaching leadership skills and team building techniques.
  • The topic of club meeting programs for 2018-2019 is financial literacy. Youth will have opportunities to participate in a variety of programs to promote engagement in learning, mastery of a project, and a sense of belonging.
  • 4-Hers will work with caring adults in a safe environment.

Strengthen families and communities

  • Provide nutrition, child development, housing, and financial management information to clientele of the parish through phone calls, publications, and programs.

How we are Funded

You are the local supporters and beneficiaries in the LSU AgCenter Extension programs. Just 20 percent support keeps these programs in your community.

Your parish extension office offers programs in: Sustaining Louisiana's agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, building leaders and good citizens through 4-H youth development.

Family, nutrition, and health to enhance the quality of life for Louisiana citizens.

State Appropriated Funds FY 2021-2022

Allen Parish Extension Office


Mailing : P.O. Box 188, Oberlin, La 70655

Physical: 117 N 5th Street, Oberlin, La 70655

Phone: 337-639-4376

Fax: 337-639-2985


Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.


Social Media:

Parish Chair:

Brooke LaFargue

Additional Contact:

4-H and Youth Development

Brooke LaFargue

Nutrition Educator 1

Patricia Hobbs

Administrative Coordinator

Kayla Manuel


4-H and Youth Development

Chef Club

Shooting sports

Junior Leaders

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Fisheries/Coastal Issues

Animal Production

Beef Cattle


Horticulture/Lawn and Garden

Pest Management

Urban Forestry


Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS)

Parents Preparing for Success

Family Resource Management

FNP-Family Nutrition Program

Nutrition and Health

Innovate . Educate . Improve Lives

The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
