SWL Master Gardener Volunteer program begings it 17 Class periods June 19. Participates will be given 50 hours of general Horticuture class room training and in return they will give 50 hours of volunteer time back to the Horticulture Agent's program.
How to prepare soil for growing cucumbers, select varieties, fertilize plants and treat problems.
Learn about the Louisiana Special Assessment Level that freezes the assessed value of your home with homestead exemption if you meet certain criteria.
Descriptions of three minor insect problems in rice crops: Rice Seed Midge, Rice Leaf Miner, Aphids.
Information about preparing soybean fields for planting and about tree caterpillars.
Tips on poison prevention around the house. National Poison Prevention Week is March 20-26, 2011. The purpose of the week is to raise awareness about unintentional poisoning. Today, I have some information on poisoning to share with you from the Home Safety Council.
Suggestions on fertilizing spring lawns from Dr. Ron Strahan.
Information about the 2011 garden festival to be held Friday, March 25, 2011, and Saturday, March 26, 2011, in the Burton Coliseum in Lake Charles, La.
News article on 2011 upcoming rice seeding dates for farmers.
American Heart Month Facts
News column on citrus trees.
The beginning of a new year is a great time to take a look at your finances and find ways to spend less. Here are 12 helpful tips that may help you lower your homeowners insurance.
Tips to handling holiday turkeys safely.