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Agronomic crops—including sugarcane, rice, cotton, soybeans, corn, grain sorghum and wheat—are grown on many acres in Louisiana. Cattle production, residential and recreational turf, and horticulture are important enterprises. Producers deal with a variety of pests, but weeds are a common problem because of our semi-tropical climate with abundant rainfall and favorable growing conditions.

Weeds are plants growing out of place or where they are not wanted. A weed may be a Palmer amaranth plant in a cotton field. Volunteer corn in soybeans may also be considered a weed because corn is growing where it is not wanted. LSU AgCenter weed scientists are dedicated to developing better management techniques for weeds that combine chemical, cultural and mechanical control methods to maximize yield and reduce harvest efficiency problems. This collaborative team approach involves both research and extension activities with the goal to develop cost-effective and environmentally sound weed management strategies to sustain agricultural production within the state.

Innovate . Educate . Improve Lives

The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
