Test & Fee Schedule

Fee Schedule for the LSU Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Laboratory (STPAL)
(Effective July 11, 2016)

Testing Services

Test Request Forms for all tests

Soil Samples:

Most people will want to get the Routine Test which will give them the levels of the main nutrients and the pH of their soil. The Routine Test provides ratings and recommendations for fertilizer and lime or sulfur to correct pH if needed. Several Optional Tests are available for special needs.

Levee Samples:

The Levee Test is a combination of the Routine Test, which provides pH and extractable nutrients, and the Flood Test, which provides water soluble nutrients, salts, conductivity, and SAR. This test is provided for clients working on the levee system in south Louisiana.

Plant Tissue:

Plant tissue analysis provides diagnosis of nutrient deficiency, toxicity or imbalance for major and micro-nutrient elements. It serves as a supplemental tool to soil tests. It can determine the effectiveness of your fertilization practices and help you correct nutritional problems during early growth season. Commonly tested nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, and boron.

Irrigation and Pond Water Quality:

These tests are important for diagnosing irrigation water quality and for helping to manage pond water properly. Tested parameters include pH, Conductivity, Salts, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, S, Cl, Nitrates, Alkalinity, Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), and Hardness.

Soil-less Media Extract/Potting Mixes:

Mixes are composed of lightweight, natural and processed material such as peat, perlite, vermiculite, sand, bark, coconut fiber, compost, and similar materials. These products are mixed together in various combinations and contain less than 20% field soil. Soluble nutrients are tested for nutritional status of soil-less/potting mix medium. These tests help you to correct nutrient problems associated with soilless/potting mix medium. Commonly tested parameters include nitrate, and soluble phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. In addition, pH is also determined for the medium reaction for optimum plant growth.

Fee Schedule

Routine Package

1-10 samples $10
11 or more samples $8

Flood Test Package

Water soluble Ca, Cl, Mg, Na, S; Soluble Salts, Conductivity; SAR


Levee Soil Test Package

Soil Routine Test Package and Flood Package


Optional Soil Tests
pH only $3
Organic matter $4
Micronutrient test $5
Extractable aluminum $5
Hot-water extractable boron $5
Soluble salts $5
Total nitrogen $9
Total carbon $9
Total nitrogen and carbon $11

Soilless Media Extract (potting mixes) Analysis
Routine package $10

Plant Analysis
Ag Routine Metals package $8
Nitrogen test $8
Carbon test $8
Ag Routine Metals plus Nitrogen $12
Ag Routine Metals plus Nitrogen & Carbon $14
Environmental package $12
Environmental package plus Nitrogen $16
Environmental package plus Nitrogen & Carbon $18

Water Analysis
Routine Water Test package
(Irrigation and pond)
Rapid Water Test package $6

7/11/2016 7:32:00 PM
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