Forage Quality Lab

About our services

The LSU AgCenter Forage Testing Lab aims to support the local beef and dairy production and wildlife management through timely and accurate analysis of forage nutritional value. We serve forage growers, cow-calf operations, and various LSU AgCenter Forage programs.

Services provided

  • Routine analysis package: Dry matter, acid detergent fiber, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, and digestibility determined by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (using the National NIRS consortium calibration model). This package will serve most clients’ needs.
  • Wet chemical analyses: This analysis serves the determination of ADF, NDF, protein (crude protein), nitrogen, ADL (acid detergent lignin), and digestibility in samples through chemical analysis. Other comprehensive forage and feed analyses can be served. Please contact Dr. Kun-Jun Han
  • Non-conventional forage (browse, roots, seeds, mast, cottonseed meal, and other byproducts) can be analyzed through wet chemical analysis.

Fee Schedule

  • Routine analysis package: $15
  • Wet chemical analyses (minimum 20 samples per request):
    • Silage pH: $8
    • Protein/nitrogen: $8
    • Acid detergent fiber: $10
    • Acid detergent fiber + acid detergent lignin: $15
    • Acid detergent insoluble nitrogen: $15
    • In vitro true digestibility: $20
  • Consultation with the LSU AgCenter Forage Extension Program: No Charge with purchase of analysis.

Innovate . Educate . Improve Lives

The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
