Central Analytical Instruments Research Laboratory |
Coastal Wetlands Soils Characterization Lab |
Cotton Fiber Testing Laboratory |
Forage Quality Lab |
Soil Testing & Plant Analysis Lab |
Interpreation of the LSU AgCenter Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Laboratory results.
(06/10/21) BATON ROUGE, La. — The LSU AgCenter will soon reopen a forage testing lab on the LSU campus in Baton Rouge.
Locations where soil test kits are available.
Assorted forms for requesting soil testing analysis from the Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Laboratory available to the general public. Also inlcudes Research, Demonstrations, and Consultant soil test request forms.
The Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Laboratory offers a variety of soil, plant tissue and water tests to the general public and research community. With an integrated effort from both research and extension agronomists, the LSU AgCenter Soil Testing and Plant Laboratory is the only laboratory that incorporates latest Louisiana-specific soil fertility research in its recommendation system to help farmers to meet today's challenges in agricultural production.
The Cotton Fiber Testing Laboratory functions as a fiber quality testing facility for LSU AgCenter cotton researchers. Fiber samples are evaluated using a High Volume Instrument (HVI).
Fee schedules for tests offered by the LSU AgCenter Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Laboratory (STPAL)
Provides answers to frequently asked questions relating to the Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Laboratory.
The Coastal Wetlands Soils Characterization Lab characterizes both hydric and nonhydric soils, particularly in coastal wetland areas.
The mission of the Central Analytical Instruments Research Laboratory (CAIRL) is to provide research-oriented analytical services to LSU faculty members, experiment station and extension personnel, and the general public.
This is an overview of the various service labs in SPESS. It includes information on soil testing, plant analysis, cotton fiber testing, wetland (wet) soils testing, and other analyses related to soils and plants.
Fertilizer comes in different strengths and blends. The three numbers on the fertilizer bag show the percent by weight of the three major nutrients. The first number is always the percent nitrogen (N). The second is always the percent phosphate ( P2O5). The third number is always the percent potash (K2O).
The Cotton Fiber Testing Laboratory functions as a fiber quality testing facility for Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station cotton researchers. It also cooperates with USDA in the International Cotton Calibration Standards Program and High Volume Instrument System check level programs. The lab also functions as a fiber quality testing facility for other Agricultural Experiment Stations and commercial concerns on a fee basis.
Hours of Operation for the LSU AgCenter Soil Test and Plant Analysis Lab (STPAL).
Redirect to Parish Extension Offices
Use these helpful sheets when reviewing the results of your soil test.
Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Lab
Links to related sites such as the Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Laboratory, School of Plant, Envirionmental, and Soil Sciences, Louisiana Extension Parish Offices, Louisiana Best Management Practices (BMPs) of Agronomic Crops
CAIRL has a wide variety of analytical instruments to do various analayses of water quality, pollution chemistry and organic chemistry. For example, the Varion 3800C Gas Chromatography has an FID and ECD detector and is customized to analyze gas samples mainly for CH4, CO2 and N2O. Another piece of equipment is the Pyrolysis GC/MS CDS 5000 pyroprobe attached inline with Varian 3900 GC and Saturn 2000 Masspec.
Contact information for the Central Analytical Instruments Research Laboratory including email, phone number, and physical location and address. The School of Plant, Environmental, and Soil Science (Madison B. Sturgis Hall) is located at the corner of Tower Drive and Highland Road on the LSU Campus. The laboratory is on the third floor in Room 312.
Provides links to field and vegetable crop tissue sampling procedures.
Calculation conversions for producers to use when converting fertilizer recommendation for a small area
North American Proficiency Test (NAPT) Quarterly Results for last six quarters.
Provides contact information and directions to the LSU AgCenter Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Laboratory located on the LSU campus.
Procedures used for soil, plant and water tests offered by the LSU AgCenter Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Laboratory (STPAL).