Donald M. Ferrin, Hadziabdic, Denita, Hollier, Clayton A., Overstreet, Charles
Fusarium basal rot is caused by the soilborne fungus, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae. The pathogen can affect onion bulbs at any stage of development. Initial symptoms include rotting of the roots, with white-to-pinkish mold developing at the base of the bulb. Infected plants may wilt and, in severe cases, die.
Onion white rot is caused by Sclerotium cepivorum. It is one of the most important and destructive fungal diseases of the Allium family. Early symptoms include premature yellowing, wilting and death of older leaves. Rotting of the roots is characterized by the presence of white, fluffy mycelial growth that develops around the base of the bulb. As disease progresses, sclerotia (small black round bodies) are formed.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture