Southern root-knot nematode injury to cotton.
Sweetpotato fibrous roots with Southern root-knot nematode damage.
White females of the soybean cyst nematode.
Severe sting nematode injury to strawberry.
Nematodes are semi-microscopic roundworms that live in all habitats, including soil. Most nematodes are beneficial except those that attack plants or animals. Plant-parasitic nematodes are important pests of just about every plant that is grown in Louisiana. Nematodes cause significant damage to vegetables, fruit trees, ornamentals, turfgrass, and field crops each year. Most of the nematodes that are a problem on plants attack the root system results in stunting, yellowing, wilting, and yield reductions. Although plant-parasitic nematodes cost Louisiana producers and homeowners millions of dollars annually, many of these losses are not correctly identified. Nematode damage is often blamed on something else such as nutrient deficiencies, diseases, insects, or environmental problems. Nematodes are very small and usually require a test to confirm their presence. The Nematode Advisory Service provides the necessary service to correctly identify the problem and provide information on the best methods of managing these pests. Producers, homeowners, landscapers, county agents, agricultural consultants, researchers, and industry representatives use this service each year. Additionally, a number of samples are sent in each year from the Department of Agriculture & Forestry for certification purposes and quarantine purposes for shipment of plant material to other states or countries.
Click on some of the additional links to get more information about plant-parasitic nematodes such as the types of damage nematodes cause, how to collect and send in samples to the Nematode Advisory Service, and best management strategies to use when these pests are causing problems.
A fact sheet that describes the guava root-knot nematode and potential threat to Louisiana agriculture.
Resistant varieties against our common root-knot nematode.
Form for use with survey of sweetpotato species of root-knot nematode
Images of root-knot nematode on cotton.
Links to publications and videos pertaining to nematodes
Nematodes associated with fruit trees.
The impact of marigolds as a management plant for nematodes.
Nematodes are a diverse group of wormlike animals found in a number of habitats.
Cotton nematodes present in Louisiana.
Article discusses the nematode problems associated with Louisiana wheat.
One of the most troublesome things about nematodes is simply the fact that they are difficult to recognize as a pest.
There are several nematodes that can cause problems on grain sorghum.
White tip nematode on rice.
Many of the vegetables that are planted in Louisiana are subject to attack from plant-parasitic nematodes.
The Southern root-knot, reniform, and soybean cyst nematodes are generally considered our most important nematode pests on soybeans.
Nematodes are present in the soil and are often overlooked by producers.
Images of soybeans damaged by nematodes.
Images of cotton nematodes.
Corn is subject to attack by a number of plant-parasitic nematodes in Louisiana.
Links to related to Nematode Advisory Service
Portal for department
Nematode Damage Image Gallery