The Retrospective Post-Then-Pre-Questionnaire is a valuable tool for assessing the effectiveness of programs, which aim to provide educational resources and support to individuals and communities. This method allows researchers to collect data on short-term and medium-term impacts by asking participants to reflect on their knowledge and behaviors before and after the program.
Pre-Test, Post-Test, and Post-Test Only Design
Pre and post testing is a common method used in extension program evaluation to assess the effectiveness of a program. It involves measuring the knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors of participants before and after the program to determine if there has been a change.
Matching Logic Model Outcomes to Evaluation Questions
Use this tool to develop your evaluation questions and responses based on your program outcomes.
All Thriving Model Evaluations should be used with youth 13 years of age and older.
Measuring seven indicators of thriving: (1) Growth mindset; (2) openness to challenge and discovery; (3) hopeful purpose; (4) pro-social orientation; (5) transcendent awareness; (6) positive emotionality; and (7) goal management (intentional self-regulation). (Short-term programs).
When enough time has elapsed to impact these development outcomes, such as in a multi-session program over several months or a year-long 4-H program.
Measuring the experience of youth sparks a sense of belonging in the program and developmental relationships with adults. Examples: Challenge Camp, Jr. Leadership/Teen Leadership Programs, etc.
A combination of the first three instruments into one for those interested in evaluating all three aspects of the 4-H Thriving Model. Example: Senior Year 4-H Impact Evaluation
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture