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Evaluation Tools and Instruments

Using the Retrospective Post-then-Pre-Questionnaire Design

The Retrospective Post-Then-Pre-Questionnaire is a valuable tool for assessing the effectiveness of programs, which aim to provide educational resources and support to individuals and communities. This method allows researchers to collect data on short-term and medium-term impacts by asking participants to reflect on their knowledge and behaviors before and after the program.

Pre-Test, Post-Test, and Post-Test Only Design

Pre and post testing is a common method used in extension program evaluation to assess the effectiveness of a program. It involves measuring the knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors of participants before and after the program to determine if there has been a change.

Matching Logic Model Outcomes to Evaluation Questions

Use this tool to develop your evaluation questions and responses based on your program outcomes.

4-H Thrive Model Program Evaluation Materials

All Thriving Model Evaluations should be used with youth 13 years of age and older.


  • State results and impact reports will be shared with parishes that participate.
  • Individual parish results will be generated and provided to participating parishes.

Youth Thriving (Click to Access)

Measuring seven indicators of thriving: (1) Growth mindset; (2) openness to challenge and discovery; (3) hopeful purpose; (4) pro-social orientation; (5) transcendent awareness; (6) positive emotionality; and (7) goal management (intentional self-regulation). (Short-term programs).


  • Contact or for the instrument (please specify which instrument in the email)
  • Customize to your parish.
  • Generate link/QR code to distribute.
  • Analyze results for use in program planning and reporting.

Developmental Outcomes

When enough time has elapsed to impact these development outcomes, such as in a multi-session program over several months or a year-long 4-H program.

Developmental Context

Measuring the experience of youth sparks a sense of belonging in the program and developmental relationships with adults. Examples: Challenge Camp, Jr. Leadership/Teen Leadership Programs, etc.

Full Thrive Evaluation Tool

A combination of the first three instruments into one for those interested in evaluating all three aspects of the 4-H Thriving Model. Example: Senior Year 4-H Impact Evaluation

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The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
