Our goal is to provide a wholesome environment where 4-H and FFA members can showcase and enhance the skills learned through their hard work.
The purpose of the 4-H horse program is to provide young people opportunities to participate in a series of activities designed to improve citizenship, sportsmanship, horsemanship, character, competitive spirit, discipline and responsibility.
We strive to provide those opportunities by conducting a wide variety of activities and experiences that promote physical, mental and social development of young people. The public speaking, demonstration, judging contest, quiz bowl and horse premier exhibitor contest that are part of the State Horse Show and Contest provide an opportunity for youth to develop skills in communication, analytical thinking, character building and equine sciences. We believe participation in these contests improves poise, confidence and leadership skills with the ultimate goal of producing well-rounded, productive citizens.
The district and state horse shows are the culminating events for the 4-H horse program, but the horse shows are not the major objective of the program. They are simply a venue to showcase and sharpen the skills learned through participation in educational clinics, workshops, seminars and other project work. These skills are obtained as a result of hours of hard work feeding, grooming and training their horses.
The hard work and dedication to excellence shown by 4-H and FFA exhibitors is the real focus of the 4-H Horse Program. The measure of success in our program is not necessarily the color of ribbon obtained at our shows but the amount of knowledge and ability gained from participation. No single show can measure the increased knowledge or ability of an exhibitor. Those exhibitors that take full advantage of the educational opportunities and experiences available through the 4-H horse program are the true champions in the end, regardless of the color of ribbon obtained.
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture