Web Content Training banner.

All AgCenter employees can create and edit content for the LSU AgCenter.com website by logging in to one of our two systems using your AgCenter ID and password. The training we provide includes online training, personal or group training online through Teams, and a CMS Moodle course. Also, find links to our web accessibility guidelines at the bottom of this page.

If you need additional support or training, a new website created or would like to revamp your existing website, contact lblack@agcenter.lsu.edu or cms@agcenter.lsu.edu.

Processes for creating and editing content for the LSU AgCenter.com website include:

1. CMS

This process has a page editor that allows you to create and/or edit content. You are in control of the layout and creating the page. Also, your content will get published faster because you created/edited the page.


  • Post on a regular basis
  • Don’t find it difficult to use
  • Want articles published faster

CMS Training Videos and Documentation

CMS Tips

CMS Training Moodle Course

2. Sitecore Express (SE)

This is a simple form-based process that allows you to submit a web request to either create a new page or edit an existing page. We create or edit the page for you using the CMS Page Editor.


  • Don’t post on a regular basis
  • Find the current CMS difficult to use
  • Not in a hurry to get articles published

Sitecore Express Documentation

Sitecore Express

Web Accessibility

Web accessibility is the practice of ensuring there are no barriers and there is equal access to information and functionality of websites by people with disabilities. The LSU AgCenter is committed to providing accessible information to all audiences, whenever possible, regardless of the technology used, such as social media, email, websites, etc.

LSU AgCenter Web Accessibility Guidelines

Web and Document Accessibility Guidelines

Innovate . Educate . Improve Lives

The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
