This site includes recommendations for setting-up a home work-space with internet connectivity and the tools necessary to perform most office work such as a computer with video camera, microphone, and access to your office computer as well as help articles on Office 365, OneDrive, Teams, and other tools to work remotely effectively and efficiently.
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Recommendations for setting-up a home office and the technology you may need to work remotely.
Learn how to use Teams at the LSU AgCenter to work remotely.
Information on how to connect to a VPN and how remote into your office computer.
How to access campus voicemail remotely and who to contact for support.
Office Lens turns any smartphone into a portable scanner. It also trims, enhances, and makes pictures of whiteboards and docs readable.
Links for intranet access, resetting passwords, accessing Workday, etc.
Training on setting up and using Microsoft OneDrive.
Portal that provides LSU AgCenter employees training on a wide variety of information technology related topics.
Planner is an easy to use project management application.