Food Safety

Basic Seafood HACCP Training

Next training: (Winter) 30 January - 1 February 2024, Registration will open soon.

Training in Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is mandated for the seafood processors by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Basic HACCP courses teach the principles of HACCP and empower processors to develop HACCP plans specific for each seafood product they handle or produce.

The School of Nutrition and Food Sciences offers a two and a half day basic Seafood HACCP training designed to educate seafood processors, packers, wholesales, importers, harvesters and warehouses about seafood safety. Participants who complete the course receive a certificate issued by AFDO, that fulfills the FDA requirements for seafood HACCP training and USDA requirements for HACCP training targeting Siluriformes.


Instructors are faculty and staff in the LSU AgCenter School of Nutrition and Food Sciences and by experts appointed by the FDA and AFDO.

Experience with nationally conducted Better Process Control Schools has shown that students benefit when work sessions developing HACCP plans are taken after the instruction. A presentation of developed HACCP plans will be held at the end of the training.

Opportunities will be provided by the staff during the three-day seminar for specific questions and/or clarifications, which may occur individually or collectively.


Satisfactory completion of the course ensures that the participant is acquainted with:

  • An understanding of how to develop a HACCP plan.
  • Tools to develop, implement, monitor and verify a HACCP plan.

Participants who complete the course receive a certificate issued by AFDO, that fulfills the FDA requirements for seafood HACCP training.


Registration will open soon.

The registration fee is $390 per person, which includes the cost of the manuals, certificate, materials, and coffee breaks.

Advance registration is required. Space is limited, so please register early.

Contact Information

Registration Questions
Celika Murphy
Phone: 225-578-5207

Lead Instructor
Evelyn Gutierrez Watts
Phone: (225)578-5207

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The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
