About Us

The Entomology Department addresses questions and concerns involving insects and related arthropods, ranging from management of pest species to assessment of insect roles in natural ecosystems. Our Research and Extension functions are supported by the LSU AgCenter. Classroom instruction is supported by the College of Agriculture and the Graduate School.

Departmental research and teaching activities focus on three areas: Integrated Agricultural Pest Management includes crop, forest, veterinary and biological control entomology; Urban Entomology includes structural and medical entomology; and Integrative Biology includes systematic, physiology, toxicology, ecology and conservation biology.

The Entomology Department arguably interacts with a broader proportion of the general public than does any other department at LSU. Every citizen in Louisiana has an interest in insects, whether as agricultural commodity producer, natural resources manager, medical or veterinary provider, outdoor recreationist, homeowner or gardener. Faculty and students provide entomology presentations and training to Extension Agents, K-12 teachers, Master Gardeners and other groups. Because of their diversity and economic and ecological importance, insects attract attention and stimulate interest in science at an early age.

External funding for the department amounts to $2-4 million annually. Research is supported in all areas primarily through external funding, with additional support from AgCenter, College of Agriculture and LSU. Graduates have pursued careers in academia, chemical industry, agricultural consulting and various state and federal public health, pest management, environmental management and conservation agencies.

a person holding a fly with their fingers.

Chinmay with damsel fly.
Photo by Dr. Claudia Husseneder.

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The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
