A covered self feeder 2'-8" wide by 8' long.
A self feeder device for sheep that holds rolled bales.
Design and construction plan for a wood loading shute for sheep going into a double decker truck.
Design of a portable device used for the birthing of lambs.
Design of a table to secure a sheep for shearing.
A portable chute for sheep.
Plans for a device used to wash sheep feet.
Plans for a holding pen, cutting and crowding chutes for sheep.
Design plans for a cutting gate with three doors for sheep
Design of a device that will hold a sheep to keep it from moving.
Design and building plans for 24' X 48' multipurpose structure for sheep.
Detailed design plans for a sheep corral.
Design plan for a large sheep corral.
A detailed 3-page plan with a material list for building a portable vat in which to dip sheep.
Building plans for a loading chute for sheep.
A squeeze for sheep that tilts, making it easier to work with the sheep.
Construction plans for a shelter and feeder for sheep.
Design plans for a container to hold and weigh individual sheep.
Design of a structure used to help pack wool.
One page of construction plans and drawings for a chute for sheep.
Design plans for a vat to dip sheep in to treat them against disease or insects.