Animal Sciences

Louisiana’s animal industry is valuable, contributing millions of dollars to the state economy each year as well as providing countless opportunities for recreation, food and more. This industry has evolved considerably in recent decades. Technology now plays more of a role in animal production than ever before, and people are increasingly conscious of how animals are cared for and what impact they have on the environment. The LSU School of Animal Sciences is working to meet the challenges of today’s industry through research, outreach and teaching efforts.

DairyStore2016editjpgThe Dairy Store

The LSU Dairy Store is a student run operation that has been serving LSU campus at it's current location since 1972. The Dairy Store offers almost 30 ice cream flavors made in house from milk that is sourced from the LSU AgCenter's Southeast Research Station.


Monday - Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM

Saturday - Sunday Closed


40 S Stadium Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Contact Info

Phone: (225) 578-4392

Innovate . Educate . Improve Lives

The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
