Farm Labor

Agricultural labor is a crucial input for the Louisiana agriculture sector. While for some industries mechanization has provided an alternative to increasing labor demands, for others obtaining and securing labor is key for their viability and growth. Many agricultural operations and agribusinesses rely on family labor, hired labor, or a combination. Operations may use a steady pool of workers all year round or employ seasonal and temporary labor, as well as labor through guest-worker programs (H-2A). Examples of labor-intensive industries in Louisiana include the fruits and vegetable, nursery, alligator, crawfish, and seafood industries.

The purpose of this page is to provide information related to agricultural labor in Louisiana, the Delta states region, and the whole country. Topics will cover labor market information, immigration policies, and reports from relevant search and extension projects. For more information you can reach to Maria Bampasidou (


Data Sources and Economic Statistics

Use the links below to access information reported from the US Department of Agriculture, the Department of Labor, and relevant government sources.

Resources for Farmers and Farmworkers

Innovate . Educate . Improve Lives

The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
