The LDAF administers Private Pesticide Applicator exams based on the National Pesticide Applicators Core Manual. The days available for testing are Monday, Wednesday and Friday at either 8:00 Am or 1:00 Pm. You may contact the LDAF via email at for more info and to set up a time and location to be tested. The LDAF testing sites are located at the various AgCenter regional offices across the state. The LSU AgCenter also provides a Private Pesticide Applicators Certification Course at various regional offices across Louisiana. Information about this program can be found on the LSU AgCenter website Go to the top of the 1st page, click publications, then publications for sale, then events and services which will lead you to the private pesticide applicators certification program. You may register for the program here. On this same page, before registering, scroll down to the YouTube video for a description of what is involved in the program. You may also call our department at 225-578-6998 (Bryan Gueltig) or 225-578-1321 (Tad Kivett) for more info.
The private pesticide applicators certification test is based on the National Pesticide Applicators Core Manual which can be purchased at the LSU AgCenter’s online store. Visit the LSU AgCenter's website then click on publications, then click on publications for sale. This manual is the study guide for the test given at various locations across the state as well as the study guide for the Private Pesticide Applicators Certification Course which is a four-hour class with exams at the end of each section via computer. This certification program is now available at regional offices across the state. You may register for this program at the online store available through the LSU AgCenter website. click on publications then publications for sale then click on events and services. Click on the course and be sure to scroll down to the YouTube video and watch the 6-minute instructional video. You are not required to purchase the course in order to watch this video, so we recommend that you go ahead and click on the course and before adding the course to your cart, scroll down to the video with the picture of a person sitting at a computer station and click to play video. This video will help you to understand all that is involved in the “PPA Certification Program”.
Certification lasts 3 years from the date you were first certified or the date of the last meeting or conference you attended. Your expiration date is on the back of your private applicators card. Recertification meetings will be provided through the extension offices across the state. Check your card periodically and be sure to register for a recertification meeting prior to your expiration date. All recertification events will be offered from January through March of each year.
Email the LDAF and ask them how you should proceed. There may be an upcoming event available they may allow you to attend. You may also call our office at 225-578-6998 or 225-578-1321 if you have any difficulties. In lieu of meetings, you can take the Nation Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual test offered at several LDAF offices across the state. The test is always an option for recertification.