BMP Manuals

Links to best management practices (BMPs) manuals for agronomic crops, aquaculture, beef, dairy, poultry, rice, sugarcane, sweet potatoes and swine.

These crops are valuable to the Louisianan economy. The best management practices supplied by this manual are important to maintaining this industry.

This list of best management practices is a guide for the selection and implementation of those practices that will help aquaculture producers conserve soil and protect water and air resources by reducing pollutants from reaching both surface water and groundwater. (PDF format only).

The best management practices that apply most directly to the beef industry are in this publication. A brief description, purpose and conditions to which the practice apply are given for each of the BMPs listed. (PDF Format Only).

This best management practices manual is a guide for the selection, implementation and management of practices that will help growers conserve soil and protect water and air resources. (PDF format only)

Dairying, by its nature, requires specific practices to conserve and protect soil and water resources. Best management practices are an effective and practical means of reducing point- and nonpoint-source water pollutants at levels compatible with environmental quality goals. (PDF Format Only).

BMPs for poultry farms are a specific set of practices used by farmers to reduce the amount of soil, nutrients, pesticides and microbial contaminants entering surface water and groundwater while maintaining or improving the productivity of agricultural land. This BMP manual is a guide for the selection, implementation and management of those practices that will help poultry farmers conserve soil and protect water and air resources. (PDF format only).

This guide describes the conservation measures or best management practices for rice production implemented primarily for the purpose of conserving and protecting soil and water resources by controlling the movement of potential agricultural pollutants into surface water and groundwater. (PDF Format Only).

Sugarcane is the highest-valued row crop grown in Louisiana. For sugarcane production to continue to thrive in Louisiana, responsible management of soil and water resources should be a priority. This guide lists the best management practices to use in Louisiana sugarcane production. (PDF Format Only).

Sweet potatoes are an important commodity in Louisiana. Best management practices provide sweet potato growers guidelines on what practices they can implement to reduce the impact agricultural practices may have on the environment. (PDF Format Only).

The best management practices for the swine industry are in this manual. Included are an introduction and information for managing soil, water, nutrients, pesticide and mortality as they relate to the swine industry.

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The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
