Feed Samples

All feed companies that sell products in Louisiana are registered by the Administrative Section of the Department of Agricultural Chemistry. Inspectors for the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry collect Official Feed Samples and submit them to the Agricultural Chemistry laboratory for analysis to ensure accurate ingredient content.  Miscellaneous Feed Samples are also submitted by private clientelle for analysis.

Feed samples received are prepared as necessary by grinding and splitting into various portions for analysis in the sample prep laboratory.

Analyses performed (using AOAC methods when available) on feeds include:

  • Fat (%) content is analyzed using the Soxtec extraction unit
  • Fiber (%) content is analyzed using ANKOM unit
  • Protein (%) content is analyzed using Kjeldahl methods.
  • Tecator 2020 Block digester, Seal Auto analyzer and/or Combusion Unit
  • Minerals such as P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn, S, B, and Na are determined by ICP

Results for Official Feed Samples are reported by the Administrative Section. Those feeds found deficient are subject to fines according to state law.

The Administrative Section maintains records of results, tracks payments for fines, maintains a mailing list of manufacturers and answers questions regarding Official Feed Samples. Annual reports of Official Feed Samples as well as tonnage records are published by the Administrative Section. The Administrative Section prepares information for hearings of the Feed Commission and also maintains records of their meetings.

9/30/2009 3:24:12 AM
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