The information should make it easier for anyone using a fertilizer spreader to select an appropriate type of spreader and to obtain optimum performance from the selected spreader. This bulletin summarizes 24 years of design, study, research and teaching about fertilizer spreaders. (PDF format only)
Various policy instruments have been used in an attempt to encourage stability in the agricultural sector while simultaneously mitigating the aggregate negative externalities of intensive production. This increasingly visible involvement of agriculture in environmental disputes has driven a search for alternative ways of resolving conflicts between agricultural and environmental concerns, which is discussed in this publication. (PDF format only)
This bulletin includes information on the feasibility of using microwave heat to inactivate lipase and LOX, determine the optimum storage and packaging conditions with the fewest adverse effects on functionality, and to determine changes in functionality of rice bran as a result of heat treatment. (PDF format only)
The objectives of this investigation were to convert select Louisiana agricultural by-products to GAC and to characterize these carbons in terms of those physical (surface area, pore structure) and chemical (surface charge, functional groups) properties directly related to adsorption of raw sugar colorants. (PDF format only)
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture