This article highlights the benefits of cover crops and offers Louisiana-based recommendations for optimal cool-season varieties and seeding rates.
Invasive apple snails, Pomacea maculata, have become widely established along the U.S. Gulf Coast including throughout many of the freshwater systems in south L
The Pennsylvania wood roach, Parcoblatta pensylvanica, is a medium sized, light brown cockroach, 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch (12 to 18 mm) long as adults.
Ringlegged earwig is an introduced member of the order Dermaptera (earwigs) that is now widely distributed and common in the southern half of the United States.
The golden platydracus beetle is a large rove beetle that is a native predator of other insects associated with decaying organic matter, especially dead animals
Large milkweed bugs (Oncopeltus fasciatus) are orange-red hemipterans, or true bugs. Adults are 1/2 of an inch to 3/4 of an inch (12 to 18 mm) in length.
Overview of the accomplishments of faculty, staff, and students of the LSU Department of Entomology in 2023.
Chrysomya megacephala, commonly known as oriental latrine fly, is a widely distributed tropical blowfly originating in Asia and the Pacific regions.
Labidura riparia, or the striped earwig, can be found throughout the world where appropriate habitats occur, especially in tropical to subtropical climates.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of the eastern cicada killer.
Rice stink bug is a serious pest of cereal crops in the southern U.S.
The pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) has been, historically, a serious pest of cotton in Louisiana.
Mexican rice borer is an invasive pest of grass crops in the Gulf Coast region of the United States.
The lesser wax moth, Achroia grisella, is one of the two primary wax moth species that infest weak or unoccupied western honeybee.
Two-spotted spider mite is a phytophagus species of arachnid and an economically important pest, particularly in high-yielding crops.
Soybean looper is a species of owlet moth (Noctuidae) that utilizes many host plants and is a serious agricultural pest.
The small hive beetle (Aethina tumida), a native to sub-Saharan Africa, is North America’s most recent western honeybee (Apis mellifera) pest.
The rice water weevil is a semi-aquatic insect that is a major destructive pest of rice.
The western honeybee, Apis mellifera, also known as the European honeybee, is one of several species in the genus Apis.
The greater wax moth is one of the two primary wax moth species that are considered major pests of western honeybee.
Numerous members of the billbug genus Sphenophorus are major pests of turfgrass in the southern U.S. Among them, the hunting billbug, is one of the most common.
The bee louse, Braula coeca, is a wingless fly symbiont of western honeybee.
The Asian tiger mosquito is an introduced invasive species in North America
This annual publication handles information such as changes in varieties, pest management products and other recently developed production practices.
Grain sorghum hybrid performance is annually evaluated in official hybrid trials provides unbiased performance data for grain sorghum hybrids.
The Louisiana sugar industry has spent decades looking for alternative uses of excess sugarcane bagasse. One solution is the production of biochar.
As the top agricultural sector in Louisiana, the forest industry has been a major contributor to state’s economy for decades.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance nad management of the West Indian drywood termite.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance nad management of the banded ash borer.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of peridomestic cockroaches.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of peridomestic cockroaches.
Description, biology and distribution, and ecological significance and management of the clay-colored billbug.
Overview of the activities and accomplishments of faculty, staff, and students of the LSU Department of Entomology in 2022.
Description, biology and distribution, and ecological significance and management of the Asian citrus psyllid.
Description, biology and distribution, and ecological significance and management of small carpenter ants.
Description, biology and distribution, and ecological significance and management of the harlequin bug.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of the North American woodwasp.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of the scuttle fly.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of the common house fly.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of kudzu bugs.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of bed bugs.
Description, biology and distribution, and ecological significance and management off the troublesome mummy wasp.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of the southern lyctus beetle.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of the coarse-backed red paper wasp.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of deer flies.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of the Yellow Fever Mosquito.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of Lone Star Ticks.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of the Plum Curculio.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of the Colorado Potato Beetle.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of bagrada bugs.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of field crickets.
Overview of the activities and accomplishments of faculty, staff, and students of the LSU Department of Entomology in 2021.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of texas leaf cutter ants.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of hemp russet mites.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of southern and northern black widow spiders.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of brown widow spiders.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of silver leaf white flies.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of red imported fire ants.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of western flower thrips.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of yellow striped army worms.
Description, life cycle, ecological significance and pest status, and control of corn earworms.
Description, biology and distribution, ecological significance and management of Taro planthopper.
Description, life cycle, ecological significance and pest status, and control of the triangulate cobweb spider.
Description, life cycle, ecological significance and pest status and control of the emerald ash borer.
Description, life cycle and ecological significance and pest status, and management of the cat flea.
The redbanded stink bug is an invasive stink bug native to the Caribbean Basin and South America.
Description, life cycle, ecological significance and pest status, and control of tussock moths.
Description, life cycle and ecology and forensic entomology of the American carrion beetle.
Description, life cycle, ecological significance, pest status and control of the Formosan subterranean termite.
Description, life cycle, ecological significance, pest management and control of the Spodoptera frugiperda, Fall armyworm.
Description, life cycle, ecological significance and pest management of the Plutella xylostella, Diamondback moth.
Description, life cycle, ecological significance and pest significance of the Diaphania nitidalis and Citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella.
Description, life cycle, parasites, ecological and pest significance, and control of the Diaphania nitidalis and Xylocopa virginica, Eastern Carpenter Bee.
Description, life cycle, migration and conservation of the Diaphania nitidalis and Danaus plexippus, Monarch Butterfly.
Description, life cycle, ecological significance and pest status of the Diaphania nitidalis and Diaphania hyalinata, Pickleworm and Melonworm Moths.
Description, life cycle, economic importance and parasites of the Common Eastern Bumblebee.
Description, life cycle, ecological significance, pest status and prevention of Diabrotica undecimpunctata, Spotted Cucumber Beetle.
Description, life cycle, ecology and forensic entomology of the Necrophila americana, American Carrion Beetle.
Description, life cycle, ecological significance, pest status and prevention of Phorodon cannabis, the Cannabis (Bhang) Aphids.
Description, life cycle, ecological significance and pest status, and control of the giant golden orbweaver.
Description, life cycle, ecological significance and pest status, and monitoring and damage prevention.
Description, life cycle, ecological significance and pest status, and control of the bald-faced hornet.
Description, life history and ecological significance of the sugarcane borer red-tailed braconid.
The description, life cycle, ecological significance, pest status and control of common bedbugs.