Due to high demand of PPE for healthcare workers, it is anticipated that pesticide applicators may have difficulty finding needed PPE for pesticide applications
10 Things You Should Know About Glyphosate
Many in the agriculture industry have heard the term air temperature inversion, but what is this weather phenomenon that can be so dangerous for pesticide appli
Overview of steps that need to be taken if there is a flood in your pesticide storage unit.
Most mothballs contain either naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene. Both chemicals are harmful to humans. This publication has information for childcare professionals and parents of children about the dangers of not properly handling mothballs.
Pesticides are chemicals developed to repel, control or kill pests. In addition to harming pests, many pesticides also can harm people. This publication has information about who is at risk, how people come in contact with pesticides, and what you should do if exposed to a pesticide.
Some pesticides are so highly toxic that accidental exposure to them without proper protection can sicken or kill humans. Even slightly toxic pesticides can irritate the nose, throat, eyes and skin of some people. This publication will help you learn about them, (PDF Format Only)