Paraquat dichloride, also known as paraquat, is a widely used product in many commodities grown in Louisiana.
The article emphasizes the importance of cleaning sprayers between uses in vegetable crop farming, detailing the diversity and application methods of herbicides
This publication provides information on types of drift, best management practices and a detailed documentation of common herbicides and respective symptoms
This manual is a study guide for preparing to take the Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Exam. This manual satisfies the basic applicator training requirements of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Louisiana Pesticide Laws and Regulations.
Reminders of ways to keep pesticides on-target during a pesticide application.
Due to high demand of PPE for healthcare workers, it is anticipated that pesticide applicators may have difficulty finding needed PPE for pesticide applications
10 Things You Should Know About Glyphosate
The purpose of this training manual is to provide study material for people interested in becoming a certified pesticide applicator in the seed treatment categ
Many in the agriculture industry have heard the term air temperature inversion, but what is this weather phenomenon that can be so dangerous for pesticide appli
Pesticide Stewardship of Specialty Crops: Train the Trainer Handbook
Overview of steps that need to be taken if there is a flood in your pesticide storage unit.
Microorganisms are found nearly everywhere - in water, air, dust, and soil; in most non-processed foods; and in all decaying matter.
Most mothballs contain either naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene. Both chemicals are harmful to humans. This publication has information for childcare professionals and parents of children about the dangers of not properly handling mothballs.
Pesticides are chemicals developed to repel, control or kill pests. In addition to harming pests, many pesticides also can harm people. This publication has information about who is at risk, how people come in contact with pesticides, and what you should do if exposed to a pesticide.
Some pesticides are so highly toxic that accidental exposure to them without proper protection can sicken or kill humans. Even slightly toxic pesticides can irritate the nose, throat, eyes and skin of some people. This publication will help you learn about them, (PDF Format Only)
This manual and the core manual will provide information necessary for applicators to pass the core examination and the ornamental and turf category examination to be certified to use restricted-use pesticides in the ornamental and turf area in Louisiana. Cost: $8 plus tax and shipping. You can order this book through our online store by using the Order Publication link below.
Subcategory 7d (Schools) -- This training manual contains basic information to help you meet the general and specific standards for applicators who are engaged in pest control in, on or around structures and grounds of schools that provide education in classes kindergarten through 12th grade. Cost: $8 plus tax and shipping. You can order this book through our online store by using the Order Publication link below.
A study manual for those who want to become certified in Category 7C: General Pests, Stored-Grain Pest Control and Vertebrate Pest Control. This certification is for the treatment in, on or around commercial grain elevators and other grain-handling establishments, feed mills, flour mills, food processing plants and other places where processed or unprocessed foods are stored. Cost: $8 plus tax plus shipping.
This study guide is for those wanting to become certified in Category 6: Right-of-Way and Industrial Pest Control. Category 6 includes those using or supervising the use of restricted-use pesticides in the maintenance of public roads, electric power lines, pipelines, railway rights-of-way or other similar areas. Cost: $12 plus tax and shipping. You can order a spiral-bound copy of this book through our online store by using the Order Publication link below.
A study manual for those wishing to become certified in Category 5: Aquatic Pest Control. This certification is for commercial application or supervision of the application of restricted-use pesticides applied purposefully to standing or running water or sprayed commercially around large bodies of water, ponds, lakes, etc. Cost: $8 plus tax and shipping. You can order this book through our online store by using the Order Publication link below.
This study guide is for those wanting to become certified in Category 1: Ag Pest Control and/or Category 10: Demonstration and Research. Cost: $8 plus tax and shipping. You can order this book through our online store by using the Order Publication link below.
This guide for applicators and handlers of wood preservatives and wood treated products contains information you must know to meet categorical national standards. (Category 2c)
The information in this booklet is intended to provide the information you will need to meet the standards of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for certification as a commecial pesticide applicator and to prepare you to take an examination given by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry on Forest Pest Control: General Forestry. (PDF Format Only)
This manual focuses on how to apply pesticides properly and safely from an aircraft. It includes all the content found on the National Aerial Pesticide Applicator Pilot Certification Examination, as well as a glossary of terms and additional information that may prove useful as you prepare for the examination.. Cost: $15 plus tax and shipping. Order this book through our online store by using the Order Publication link below.
This 52-page pocket guide is designed to help you identify pests commonly found in and around buildings. It includes photos and information about various pests, such as ants, roaches, flies, rats, mice, termites, spiders, wasps, bees, bedbugs, fleas, mosquitoes, ticks and more. Diagrams and scales showing the size of some of the pests are included to help in identification. A spiral-bound, heavyweight, coated-paper copy is available for $12.