Proper pruning of trees can create a desirable form or growth habit, rejuvenate older trees, and remove unhealthy and unsightly branches.
Laurel wilt is a devastating disease of woody trees in the Lauraceae family.
One of the top choices for landscape consideration is the willow oak. Mature trees average between 60 and 80 feet tall by 40 to 50 feet wide.
The most important cultural practice the homeowner with pecan trees needs to consider is proper fertilization. This publication includes information and guidelines for fertilizing pecan trees. (PDF Format Only)
This publication includes information on conserving existing trees, planting and transplanting, pruning, tree fertilization, street and parking area plantings, tree evaluation, tree lists and a quick tree selection guide. (PDF Format Only)
The pecan tree is prevalent in Louisiana as a shade tree in the landscape and also as a source of nuts for home use. The recommended varieties for home planting are listed and described in this publication.(PDF Format Only)
This publication includes information on the planting, fertilization, pruning, failure to flower, insects and diseases, and varieties of crape myrtles. (PDF Format Only)
This guide will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about tree planting in the area. It suggests native and well-adapted trees for our region and describes how to grow them successfully. The tree illustration fold-out can also be used as a poster (22" x 34").
Trees on home grounds or in parks are assets to everyone. Trees also are long-term investments for property owners. Like any investment, trees require effort to maintain their value. That means tree owners must make careful decisions about care and maintenance, which may require the occasional advice and service of a professional – an arborist. (PDF format only)