A composting series titled Benefits of Maintaining Soil Health fact sheet with information about organic matter, filtration, micro-ogranisms and water retention
Composting Series: Compost Moisture Content fact sheet with photo examples of compost moisture content.
A Composting Series fact sheet about worm castings.
A composting series fact sheet on reducing odor in compost systems.
Compost tea is a liquid extract made by steeping compost in water using a variety of preparation methods.
A fact sheet for backyard composting which includes information on compost tumblers, dual compost tumblers, static compost nin and vericomposting compost bin.
Composting Series: How to Store and Handle Compost Materials fact sheet includes information about wet and dry compost materials.
A Composting Series fact sheet about a three-bin system, including photographic examples of the bins.
Composting Series: Compost Feed Stock-How to calculation the proportions of raw materials for composting includes formulas.
Composting Series: Active vs. Passive Composting fact sheet includes information about active (hot) and passive (cold) composting.
A composting series fact sheet about Food Safety Issues Related to Compost. The fact sheet includes information about treated and untreated compost.
A Composting Series fact sheet on how to build an aerated static compost pile.