Strategies for optimizing blueberry cultivation in Louisiana, focusing on techniques to enhance fruit quality and yield while ensuring sustainable production.
Common purslane, also known as little hogweed or pursley, is a prostrate, succulent, summer annual broadleaf weed commonly found throughout Louisiana.
Different pruners are used for different plants, and different cuts within the same plant will necessitate different types of hand pruners.
Harvesting rainwater is a conservation technique to combat increased water demand, water quality issues and scarcity of water resources.
Monstera requires a well-drained, acidic to neutral soil that is rich in organic material. It loves bright, indirect sunlight - the prefect indoor plant.
Here are specific tips for keeping your landscape plants alive during an extended period of drought.
Droughts are rare incidents in Louisiana for extended periods of time. Nevertheless, they do occur, and gardeners must be prepared.
The perennial nature of fruit production guarantees that an orchard is going to experience drought stress at some point. Check out these tips to help your crop.
Lack of rain coupled with extreme heat during a growing season will negatively affect a pecan crop and may even have lingering negative effects.
2010-2020 Progress Report.
A lawn that’s properly cared for and healthy will resist weeds and other pest problems. Following the best management practices (BMPs) in this publication should help keep your lawn in good condition.