Welcome to the LSU AgCenter and the School of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Extension Nutrition and Community Health (NCH) team!
Flavors of Health is a nutrition education and health program with a community focus.
An anti-inflammatory diet is one that can help manage inflammation by incorporating foods that help to lower inflammation.
Hygienic zoning at processing facility for preparing safe food to be sold at the farmer's market.
Food safety practices while selling products at the farmer's market.
Food safety tips when providing food samples at farmers market.
Egg and egg products safety at a farmers market.
Packaging, labelling, preparing, and selling meat and meat products at a farmers market.
Fruits and vegetables safety at a farmers market.
Cleaning and sanitation of food contact surfaces.
How to keep hot food safe and minimize cross contamination at a farmers market.
Maintaining the correct temperature regulation while handling, preparing, and storing food.
Preventing cross contamination while preparing food at a farmers market.
Sanitary design of equipment for food processing.
Packaging, preparing, and selling seafood at a farmers market.
Probiotics are among a group of beneficial microorganisms naturally found in the body and tend to have a positive impact on health.
When frequent trips to the grocery store are not ideal, shoppers might want to focus on produce that lasts the longest.
Farm to School programs promotes healthy lifestyle choices among students and introduce agricultural lessons.
Farm to School programs promote healthy lifestyle choices among students and introduce agricultural lessons.
An air fryer is a countertop appliance designed to simulate deep frying without submerging the food in oil.
This publication explores insufficient sleep and its effect on health.
Six types of plant-based milks are compared, (to each other and cow's milk) based on key nutrients, cost, function, human and environmental health.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) meal patterns for the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program include five subgroups of vegetables.
This resource is for any organization, business or school seeking to help increase consumption and enjoyment of local agricultural products in Louisiana.
As a tool for both managing weight and improving health markers, intermittent fasting has become a very popular diet plan among adults in the U.S.
Food pantries supplement the diets of people across the country. To ensure that all pantry clientele receive safe food, pantries must follow proper food handlin
When you return to your home, make sure you assess all food and food preparation areas and equipment carefully.
Coconut oil is making its way into kitchens and diets in part because of its purported health benefits. Because of this, coconut oil warrants a closer look.
While food pantries share the common goal of addressing food insecurity in communities, they can vary widely in terms of operation, food and services provided,
A guide for vendors to learn how to properly accept payments for food by SNAP clients.
The factsheet give tips on reducing risk of infection when handling takeout or delivered foods.
This factsheet is developed to provide some guidance for retail store managers to take precautions during public health emergency.
One of the critical factors to control harmful bacteria in food is controlling temperature.
Foodborne botulism is a rare but serious illness caused by eating foods that contain neurotoxins produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. The botulinum toxin can affect the central nervous system and cause muscle weakness, paralysis and even death.
Floodwaters commonly contain microbial contaminants and can directly affect public health.
Listeriosis is a rare but serious illness caused by eating food contaminated with the bacteria. About 1,600 people in the United States get sick from listeria each year. It is the third leading cause of death from food poisoning. (PDF Format Only)
COVID-19 is a respiratory illness, and there is currently no evidence of food or food packaging being associated with its transmission.
Five Steps in Hand-washing
Encamine a sus hijos hacia una alimentación saludable para toda la vida limitando la cantidad de azúcares añadidos que comen.
Limit the amount of foods and beverages with added sugars your kids eat and drink.
Descubra los muchos beneficios de agregar vegetales y frutas a sus comidas.
Es posible incluir vegetales y frutas en todo presupuesto.
Cada comida es un bloque de construcción en su estilo de alimentación saludable.
Use MiPlato para construir su estilo de alimentación saludable y mantenerlo durante toda la vida.
Una parte crítica de la alimentación saludable es mantener la sanidad de los alimentos.
A critical part of healthy eating is keeping foods safe.
La actividad física es importante en niños y adultos de todas las edades.
Physical activity is important for children and adults of all ages.
Discover the many benefits of adding vegetables and fruits to your meals.
It is possible to fit vegetables and fruits into any budget. Making nutritious choices does not have to hurt your wallet.
A healthy meal starts with more vegetables and fruits and smaller portions of protein and grains.
El lunes 16 de marzo del 2020, el gobernador de Luisiana John Bel Edwards ordenó a los restaurantes solamente a entrega de comida, pedidos a domicilio o auto se
En 2019, una nueva cepa del coronavirus fue descubierta. La enfermedad asociada a esta nueva cepa es conocida como COVID-19, y los síntomas de esta enfermedad p
Nuestra Salud está en Nuestras Manos
COVID-19 não é uma doença transmitida por alimentos. Atualmente, não há evidências de que alimentos ou embalagens de alimentos estejam associados à transmissão
De acordo com o centro de controle de doenças (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC), o coronavírus COVID-19 pode se manter viável por várias horas
Atualmente, não há evidências de que comida ou embalagens de alimentos tenham sido associados à transmissão do vírus COVID-19.
Los alimentos proteínicos incluyen tanto fuentes animales (carne, aves, pescado y huevos) como plantas (frijoles, guisantes, productos de soya, frutos secos y s
We all need protein—but most Americans eat enough, and some eat more than they need. How much is enough?
El grupo de Lácteos incluye leche, yogur, queso y leche de soya fortificada.
The Dairy Group includes milk, yogurt, cheese, and fortified soymilk.
Cualquier alimento hecho de trigo, arroz, avena, harina de maíz, cebada u otro grano de cereal es un producto de grano.
People who eat whole grains as part of a healthy diet have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases.
Eating fruit provides health benefits.
Para incorporar más vegetales en su día, tómelos como bocadillos y agréguelos a sus comidas.
Comer fruta proporciona beneficios para la salud.
To fit more vegetables in your meals, follow these simple tips. It is easier than you may think.
Use the ideas in this list to balance your calories, to choose foods to eat more often, and to cut back on foods to eat less often.
Este virus causa una enfermedad respiratoria, no una enfermedad gastrointestinal, y la exposición a este virus por medio de alimentos no se conoce como una vía
De acuerdo con el Centro para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC por sus siglas en Inglés), el coronavirus que causa COVID-19 puede ser viable por var
Es importante seguir las prácticas de inocuidad alimentaria para ayudar a proteger a los trabajadores y clientes de este virus.
This series of posters will raise consumer and employee awareness about COVID-19 prevention.
This virus causes a respiratory illness, not a gastrointestinal illness, and foodborne exposure to this virus is not known to be a route of transmission.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 may remain viable for several hours.
It is important to follow food safety practices to help protect workers and customers from this virus.
Flooding is considered the flowing or overflowing of a field from open bodies of water outside the food crop producers control.
No farm is exempt from producing safe food, but some are exempt from the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule. Learn who is exempt here.
Clean eating is more of a concept than a diet. It has become a global movement with a range of practices.
The terms nitrates and nitrites are probably familiar. Both are chemicals that occur naturally in soil and are taken up by growing plants.
This publication explores why water testing is important, who needs to do it, when it should be done, how to collect samples, and more.
Washing fresh produce with potable water treated with a sanitizing agent can reduce microorganisms and pathogens that may be on the surface of the produce.
Brief overview and assessment of the ketogenic diet
If you’ve pledged to focus on your health in the new year, exercising your mind and body in the great outdoors is a great way to meet your goal!
Hot water conditioning can be regarded as a potential kill-step to minimize food safety risk associated with pecan.
Introduction to the Mediterranean diet, foods and eating strategies, health benefits and suggested resources.
Fact sheet series regarding food safety information.
Keep food safe during taigating events.
Keep food safe after natural disasters.
During pregnancy, your immune system is altered, which makes it harder for your body to fight off certain harmful foodborne pathogens.
Las mejores practicas para garantizer la inocuidad de lost alimentos en granjas.