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3157 Managing in Tough Times pdf

Dr. Elizabeth Gollub, Sandra May, Courtney Pitts, Valerie Vincent

Tough times are challenging times, and the ability to cope depends in part on the information you have and the decisions you make. Managing in Tough Times presents information to help you make sound decisions that affect you and your family in the wake of a natural disaster, large-scale public health threats or individual misfortune.

Originally published in 2010, Managing in Tough Times has been revised to better reflect our lives in 2020. This collection of 18 documents is organized in three sections:

  • Nutrition and Fitness
  • Family Development
  • Financial Resource Management

Each topic in these sections is designed to provide basic information and practical suggestions – positive action steps, and additional resources or references. These topics were selected and developed with the Louisiana family in mind.

Our expert contributors agree that major upheaval, regardless of the cause, takes a toll on our finances, our health, our wellness and our routines – but these factors can be managed. We hope that you will use this resource information, that you find it helpful, and that you will share it with others who are also trying to manage their tough time.

Wishing you the best –

Elizabeth Gollub, Ph.D., M.P.H., R.D., Assistant Professor,
School of Nutrition and Food Sciences
and the LSU AgCenter FCS Faculty and Staff

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The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture
