Teaching children about money helps them to understand the financial changes the family is going through. It also teaches them the benefits of good money habits. Follow these guidelines on how to approach the topic of money with children. (PDF Format Only)
For both parents and children, visitation is critical to maintaining a sense of connectedness both during and after a divorce. Tips for smooth visitations, constructive parenting goals and a list of visitation do's and don'ts. (PDF Format Only)
Parents can divorce each other, but the parent-child relationship and parenting responsibilities are forever. Follow these tips to make co-parenting a success. (PDF Format Only)
Although children are certainly important, they can’t substitute for relationships with other adults. Everyone, including single parents, needs and benefits from having a circle of close friends. Ten important tips for parents included. (PDF Format Only)
Active listening means paying careful attention to what others are saying. Follow these steps to improve active listening skills. (PDF Format Only)
Among the first questions parents must answer in a separation or divorce are how, when and what to tell their children. Information on what children need to know and how parents can help children during a divorce is included.
Before entering into a new relationship, deal with your feelings of loss and loneliness first. Consider the emotional needs of your children and make sure they are met. Follow these suggestions to make dating a success.
Single parent families have hectic lives. Most single parents feel they have too little time and too much to do. The first step to making the most of your time, however, is thinking about your goals. Follow these tips to help you determine and reach your goals.
Sometimes it’s hard to know how to discipline children. All parents wonder if they’re too strict or not strict enough. Follow these suggestions to discipline your chldren effectively. (PDF Format Only)
When a marriage or a long-term relationship ends, many different feelings surface. While each person is unique, many people say they go through four stages. (PDF Format Only)
When parents divorce, they experience money changes that affect them emotionally, socially and financially. Use these tips to make the best of your financial situation and avoid costly errors as you move forward after divorce. (PDF Format Only)
How do I decide if I want shared parenting? What is Included in a shared parenting arrangement? Find these answers and more. (PDF Format Only)
Marriage is a financial partnership. Divorce means more than separating a family physically. It also means separating a family financially. Suggestions for preparing for financial separation, dividing property, dealing with debt and dividing assets and property are included. (PDF Format Only)