Complete pdf of the Chemical Weed Management Guide.
Woody Plants (Forestry) Chemical Weed Control.
Things that promote resistance along with examples of herbicides having same mode of action and weeds that are resistant to them.
Vegetable Crops (commercial) Chemical Weed Control.
Sugarcane Chemical Weed Control.
Soybean Chemical Weed Control.
Oats, Wheat, Barley and Rye Chemical Weed Control.
Rice Chemical Weed Control.
Weed Control Guide - information on recrop intervals.
Chemical Weed Control for Peanuts.
Chemical Weed Control for Permanent Pastures With White or Ladino Clover, Permanent Pasture Without Legume, Forage Sorghum or Sorghum Sudan Hybrids, Bermuda Establishment (Sprigging Only) and Alfalfa.
Nozzle types and suggested uses. Recommended procedures for reducing pesticide drift.
Chemical weed control for perennial, broad-leaf and grassy weeds; poison ivy and other vines.
Lawns and Other Turf Areas Chemical Weed Control.
Introduction, Other Useful Internet Sites, Web Addresses for Chemical Companies.
Home Garden Chemical Weed Control.
Conservation tillage systems, whether no-till or stale seedbed, require herbicide programs that successfully control native winter vegetation or cover crops before planting.
Grain Sorghum Chemical Weed Control.
Common and chemical names of herbicides.
Strawberries, Blackberries, Blueberries, Citrus, Grapes (Muscadine and Bunch), Mayhaws, Peaches and Pecans Chemical Weed Control
Louisiana Suggested Weed Management Guide for Cotton.
Chemical Weed Control For Corn Crops.
Conversion tables for weight, temperature, speed, length, area and liquid measure.
Chemical Weed Control for Herbaceous and Woody Plants.
Two different calibration procedures for determining the correct vehicle speed, tip and pressure to create a desired application rate.
Weed Control in Ponds and Lakes.
Fall and spring burndown considerations for row crops.
Herbicide programs for managing glyphosate-resistant Palm Amaranth and common waterhemp in Louisiana corn, cotton, and soybean.
Palmer amaranth and common waterhemp are extremely troublesome weeds in corn, cotton and soybean. They have the potential to substantially reduce crop yield and harvesting efficiency. Glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth and common waterhemp were documented in Louisiana in 2010 and 2015, respectively. Currently, Palmer amaranth has spread to essentially all crop-producing parishes in Louisiana, while glyphosate-resistant common waterhemp has only been documented in two parishes.
Sugarcane herbicide options for managing weeds at layby.
Weed management in wheat usually is relatively simple compared to other agronomic crops, but it still requires some planning. (PDF format only)
This guide includes helpful information on identifying weeds in Louisiana rice. The publication contains a schematic guide to help with proper identification of weeds based on specific characteristics of each plant. It also contains photos of each weed listed in the schematic as well as examples showing key characteristics.
Effective weed management is a critical aspect to successful sweet potato production since weeds compete for nutrients, water and sunlight and impair crop yield and quality. Perennial weed management, preplant burndown and in-season management included. (PDF format only)