Ultrasonic water meters offer a more precise, affordable upgrade for monitoring bird health and water usage.
Keep your birds cool by placing drinkers in the shade. Shaded water stays cooler longer, unlike water in direct sunlight, which heats up quickly.
What is avian influenza (bird flu)? What are the hosts for avian influenza? How is avian influenza transmitted from bird to bird? What are the signs of avian influenza in birds? Find these answers and more in this one-page fact sheet. (PDF Format Only)
This brochure details the relative value Extension agents place on various USDA livestock and poultry reports that contain pricing and production data. (PDF format only)
BMPs for poultry farms are a specific set of practices used by farmers to reduce the amount of soil, nutrients, pesticides and microbial contaminants entering surface water and groundwater while maintaining or improving the productivity of agricultural land. This BMP manual is a guide for the selection, implementation and management of those practices that will help poultry farmers conserve soil and protect water and air resources. (PDF format only)
The purpose of this study is to analyze broiler industry executives’ decisions on where to locate a broiler complex in the United States. The specific objectives are to identify factors affecting site locations of broiler complexes in the United States and to measure the effects and relative importance of these factors on the broiler complex location decision. (PDF format only)
Poultry litter and soil testing are the foundation of a sound nutrient-management program. Poultry litter testing and soil testing are important best management practices (BMPs), and they are essential components of a comprehensive nutrient-management plan (CNMP). This publication includes information on the correct procedures of sampling. (PDF Fomat Only)
The purpose of this study is to analyze broiler industry executives’ decisions on where to locate a broiler complex in the United States. The specific objectives are to identify factors affecting site locations of broiler complexes in the United States and to measure the effects and relative importance of these factors on the broiler complex location decision. (PDF format only)