Lack of rain coupled with extreme heat during a growing season will negatively affect a pecan crop and may even have lingering negative effects.
Many of Louisiana’s forest landowners experienced damage to the fruit and nut trees following the "big freeze" of February 2021.
Disease control of brown spot, bunch disease, downy spot, powdery mildew, leaf scorch, rosette, scab and vein spot.
Chemical pesticides are the most commonly used method for controlling arthropod and disease pests on pecan. This publication provides an overview of procedures for the calibration of air-carrier sprayers.
Chemical pesticides are the most commonly used method for controlling arthropod and disease pests on pecan. This publication provides an overview of procedures for the calibration of air-carrier sprayers.
Two species of yellow aphids are found on pecans in Louisiana and in all pecan-producing states. Descripton, life cycle, damage and control information is included. (PDF Format Only)
The hickory shuckworm is distributed throughout most of the area where pecans are grown – from South Carolina to Texas and Oklahoma. In Louisiana, the hickory shuckworm is found throughout the state. (PDF format only)
Pecan phylloxera are found throughout the native pecan-producing regions of the United States. Beginning in mid-April, galls (knots) begin to appear on the leaf veins, leaf rachises, catkins, current season's shoot growth and nuts of the pecan. Damage, description, life cycle and control information is included. (PDF Format Only)
The black pecan aphid is found throughout Louisiana and most pecan-producing states. Description, life cycle, damage and control information included. (PDF Format Only)
Pecan scab disease is the most economically damaging disease of pecan production in the southeastern United States. The disease affects stem, leaf and nut growth, causing reduced yield. This publication includes information on the development, symptoms and control of the disease. (PDF format only)
This document provides a step-by-step procedure for hot water treatment of pecan scion wood to eliminate the bacterial leaf scorch pathogen.