Control of fire ants, chinch bugs, corn leaf aphids and green bugs, sorghum midge, corn earworms, fall armyworms, sorghum webworms and stalk borers.
Information on cleaning the storage bin, treating the storage bin and grain protectants.
This publication emphasizes the use of a total integrated management system to reduce wheat diseases and the damage they cause in the field. (PDF format only)
A new pest of grain sorghum was discovered in southwest Louisiana in 2013. The pest, identified as the sugarcane aphid has since been found in every parish that produces grain sorghum in Louisiana. (PDF Format Only)
Three important species of corn-stalk-boring caterpillar pests infest Louisiana corn. These are the European corn borer, the southwestern corn borer and the sugarcane borer. Descriptions, life cycles, biology, feeding behavior, damage, scouting and managment information are included. (PDF format only)
The chinch bug is commonly found in all areas of Louisiana feeding on a variety of grass crops and wild grasses. In some years it is an economic pest on corn and grain sorghum, especially if high populations migrate into these crops in the early spring when plants are young. To prevent stand loss and yield reductions, it is important to understand the biology and behavior of this pest as it relates to corn and grain sorghum.
2011 recommended treatments and thresholds for corn and grain sorghum insects. Brief biological sketches of pests included. (PDF Format Only)