Corn hybrid performance is annually evaluated in hybrid trails to provide Louisiana farmers, seedsmen, county agents and consultants with unbiased data.
Grain sorghum hybrid performance is annually evaluated in official hybrid trials provides unbiased performance data for grain sorghum hybrids
Grain sorghum hybrid performance is annually evaluated in official hybrid trials provides unbiased performance data for grain sorghum hybrids.
Corn hybrid performance is annually evaluated in hybrid trials to provide Louisiana farmers, seedsmen, county agents and consultants with unbiased data.
Small grain variety trials are conducted annually by scientists of the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center Agricultural Experiment Station.
Grain sorghum hybrid performance is annually evaluated in official hybrid trials by LSU AgCenter researchers to provide unbiased data for commercial growth.
Corn hybrid performance is annually evaluated in official hybrid trials (OHTs) by LSU AgCenter researchers to provide unbiased data for commercial corn hybrids.
Small grain variety trials are conducted annually by scientists of the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center Agricultural Experiment Station (LSUAC).
Grain sorghum hybrid performance is annually evaluated in official hybrid trials by LSU AgCenter researchers to provide unbiased data for commercial growth.
Corn hybrid performance is annually evaluated in official hybrid trials (OHTs) by LSU AgCenter researchers to provide unbiased data for commercial corn hybrids.
Small grain variety trials are conducted annually by scientists of the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center Agricultural Experiment Station (LSUAC) to
Background information including biology, sampling methods, and control methods for the cotton bollworm in Louisiana row crops.
The purpose of these trials is to provide Louisiana growers, seedsmen, county agents and consultants with performance data for commercial grain sorghum hybrids.
The performance of corn hybrids is evaluated annually in official hybrid trials (OHTs) by LSU AgCenter researchers.
Small grain variety trials are conducted annually by scientists of the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center Agricultural Experiment Station (LSUAC) to
Grain Sorghum Chemical Weed Control.
Chemical Weed Control For Corn Crops.
The performance of corn hybrids is evaluated annually in the official variety trials (OVTs) by LSU AgCenter researchers.
This publication should help producers make more informed decisions about corn hybrid selection and production practices.
To assist grain sorghum producers with hybrid selection, the LSU AgCenter conducts annual performance trials at several locations across the state.
Small grain variety trials are conducted annually by scientists of the LSU AgCenter Agricultural Experment Station.
The performance of grain sorghum hybrids is annually evaluated in the official variety trials by LSU AgCenter researchers to provide unbiased performance data.
The performance of corn hybrids is annually evaluated in the official variety trials by LSU AgCenter researchers to provide unbiased performance data.
To assist grain sorghum producers with hybrid selection, the LSU AgCenter conducts annual performance trials at several locations across the state.
This publication should help producers make more informed decisions about corn hybrid selection and production practices.
Small grain variety trials are conducted annually by scientists of the LSU AgCenter Agricultural Experiment Station.
This publication should help producers make more informed decisions about which hybrids to select.
This publication should help producers make more informed decisions about which corn hybrids to select.
Small grain variety trials are conducted at seven LAES research stations representative of the major soil and climate regions of the state
Prior to harvest, applying a harvest aid to grain sorghum has become a very common practice in LA.
Every year around the milk or “roasting ear” stage, we begin to wonder how good the corn crop is going to be.
Performance of corn hybrids is annually evaluated by Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station (LAES) researchers in Official Variety Trials (OVT’s).
Performance of corn hybrids is annually evaluated by Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station (LAES) researchers in Official Variety Trials (OVT’s).
For the corn and sorghum industry to remain viable, it is essential that producers and consultants be able to manage weed, insect and disease issues.
Pre-harvest sprouting impacts yield losses due to shattering, lower grades and test weights.
The publication should help producers make more informed decisions about which hybrid to select.
Weed management in wheat usually is relatively simple compared to other agronomic crops, but it still requires some planning. (PDF format only)
For the Louisiana wheat and oat industry to remain viable, it is essential that producers and consultants be able to identify and manage existing and emerging weed, insect and disease issues. To meet this need, the Louisiana Soybean and Grain Research and Promotion Board provided support through checkoff funds to develop this pocket field guide.
The U.S. Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 renewed interest in use of agricultural crops as a feedstock for biofuel. Among them, sweet sorghum has received attention as a potential biofuel crop because the sap from the plant is relatively high in fermentable sugars. Sweet sorghum is related to grain sorghum but has been developed for greater production of sugar and biomass. (PDF format only)
Wheat acreage in Louisiana has increased significantly because of higher wheat prices. With the increase in wheat acreage, interest has risen considerably in double-cropping cotton after wheat is harvested. Recommendations for growing cotton in a double-cropped production system with wheat in 2007 are included. (PDF format only)
Sorghum Hybrids that offer some protection from Sugarcane Aphid with Expected Availability in 2016.