Dairying, by its nature, requires specific practices to conserve and protect soil and water resources. Best management practices (BMPs) are an effective and practical means of reducing point- and nonpoint-source water pollutants at levels compatible with environmental quality goals. (PDF Format Only)
One of the most often neglected areas on a dairy farm is the milking parlor. Even though it is used two or three times a day, it is often assumed to be working properly and operating correctly. Have milking systems checked at least annually by a qualified service person. Between checkups, follow these simple guidelines to monitor your system’s performance. Information on the how-to of milking cows also is included. (PDF Format Only)
Dairying, by its nature, requires specific practices to conserve and protect soil and water resources. Best management practices (BMPs) are an effective and practical means of reducing point- and nonpoint-source water pollutants at levels compatible with environmental quality goals. (PDF Format Only)
The external parasites that attack Louisiana dairy cattle include several species of insects, mites and ticks that feed externally or from the outside. Recommendations for control in and around dairy barns, fly control in the milk room and insecticide precautions and limitations included. (PDF Format Only)
Dairying, by its nature, requires specific practices to conserve and protect soil and water resources. Best management practices (BMPs) are an effective and practical means of reducing point- and nonpoint-source water pollutants at levels compatible with environmental quality goals. (PDF Format Only)
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture