Scientists with the LSU AgCenter annually evaluate cotton varieties in official variety trials (OVTs) at several locations across Louisiana.
Scientists with the LSU AgCenter annually evaluate cotton varieties in official variety trials (OVTs) at several locations across the state.
Scientists with the LSU AgCenter annually evaluate cotton varieties at four locations that represent Louisiana's cotton-producing regions.
Background information including biology, sampling methods, and control methods for the cotton bollworm in Louisiana row crops.
Scientists with the LSU AgCenter annually evaluate cotton varieties at four locations that represent Louisiana’s cotton-producing regions.
Scientists with the LSU AgCenter annually evaluate cotton varieties at four locations that represent Louisiana’s cotton-producing regions.
Scientists with the LSU AgCenter annually evaluate cotton varieties at four locations that represent Louisiana’s cotton-producing regions.
Using soil temperature with the 5-day outlook for DD60s to determine when to plant can result in a vigorous plant stand and avoid making replant decisions.
Scientists with the LSU AgCenter annually evaluate cotton varieties at four locations that represent Louisiana’s cotton-producing regions.
Cotton variety trials were conducted to assist producers in determining which varieties performed the best.
2016 guidelines for cotton production practices associated with planting time and variety selection. (PDF Format Only)
Several plant-parasitic nematodes are responsible for causing serious losses in Louisiana cotton every year. The nematode losses within any field can range from fairly minor to severe. (PDF Format Only)
Methods and philosophies for the use of mepiquat in cotton vary widely. This publication explains the effect of mepiquat-containing products on cotton growth and development and suggests some guidelines for its use that will increase the likelihood of realizing the benefits and minimizing the risks. (PDF Format Only)
The Cotton, Corn and Soybean Net Return Comparison Decision Aid is a spreadsheet-based decision tool developed to assist row crop producers in Louisiana in making production decisions based on expected net return comparisons between production of cotton, corn and soybeans, using alternative expectations related to variable production costs, expected crop yields and expected crop market prices.
The cotton production system is evolving rapidly in the mid-South because of the use of new technologies. Bt cotton varieties are planted on more than 80 percent of mid-South acreage because of the threat posed by resistant tobacco budworm, bollworms and, to a lesser extent, other caterpillar pests. Procedures, results and example data collection sheet included. Revised July 2007 (PDF Format Only)
Plant bugs have become a very serious insect pest of cotton in the Midsouth. Control is often difficult because of high population densities and resistance. Follow these best management practices to help reduce the cost of plant bug control. (PDF Format Only)
Wheat acreage in Louisiana has increased significantly because of higher wheat prices. With the increase in wheat acreage, interest has risen considerably in double-cropping cotton after wheat is harvested. Recommendations for growing cotton in a double-cropped production system with wheat in 2007 are included. (PDF format only)
On-Farm Cotton Variety Trial Summary
On-Farm Cotton Variety Trial Summary
Each year, the LSU AgCenter conducts a number of on-farm cotton variety trials. These trials can be a useful supplement to Official Variety Trial (OVT) information as well as other sources of data on which to base cotton variety selection decisions.