Proper nutrition is key for cattle, with their four-compartment stomach aiding in efficient feed use for better decisions by ranchers.
LSU AgCenter-U.S. Department of Agriculture joint project, 2021
Each animal requires specific nutrition tailored to its species, age, weight, and current stage of life or production for optimal performance.
Knowing the pregnancy status of females allows producers to make more informed and precise management decisions which increase efficiency and profitability.
Once a heifer has reached puberty, reproductive cyclicity begins.
Estrous synchronization is a reproductive management tool in which the estrous cycle is manipulated so that breeding females enter into estrus simultaneously.
Body condition scores are numerical values that reflect fatness or condition of the beef cow; and is determined by herd maintenance requirement, pasture intake and past production.
Information on purchasing healthy bulls, breeding-soundness examinations, disease prevention and nutrition. (PDF format only)
Hands-on activities and concepts that can be applied to the farm.
Basics of forage quality analysis and how such an analysis relates to the nutritional needs of a beef cow and/or replacement heifer. (PDF format only)
Production agriculture is affected by seasonal production and demand cycles that are influenced by weather conditions as well as biological processes. These supply-and-demand conditions lead to seasonal price patterns. Awareness of seasonal price patterns can improve production and marketing decisions made by producers. (PDF Format Only)
Livestock Risk Protection insurance for feeder cattle has been extended to producers in Louisiana. This insurance product is available for purchase from private crop insurance agents. The benefit of this insurance product is that producers can protect their breakeven price level, and there is no minimum number of head that must be insured under a policy. Policies are available that will align with when cattle are marketed, size of cattle marketed and type of cattle marketed. (PDF Format Only)
This publication covers calculation of the choice/select spread, as well as supply and demand factors that widen or narrow the choice/select spread. Additional discussion centers on how the choice/select spread reflects cattle quality and packer demand for certain USDA quality grades (PDF format only)
This brochure details the relative value Extension agents place on various USDA livestock and poultry reports that contain pricing and production data. (PDF format only)
A comprehensive handbook for beef cattle producers, this 152-page manual provides a wealth of useful information that is augmented by color photographs, charts and other illustrations. It is endorsed by the Louisiana Beef Industry Council and written by a variety of experts. Cost: $25 plus tax (free shipping). You can order this book through our online store by using the Order Publication button below.
The blood-sucking fly pests of Louisiana beef cattle include the horn fly, stable fly and many species of tabanids. By understanding the biology and life cycle of each pest, producers will be better able to devise more effective fly control programs. This publication explains how, in most cases, an integrated approach, whereby more than one control method is used, will prove more effective for long-term fly control. (PDF Format Only)