Home Gardens

Daniel Stephenson, Orgeron, Albert, Price, Randy R., Brown, Kimberly Pope, Miller, Donnie K., Fontenot, Kathryn, Lazaro, Lauren

Home Garden Chemical Weed Control.

Home Garden Weed Management

Home Gardens

Active Ingredient

Product Rate per 1000 sq ft/1 gal1

Remarks and Precautions



Roundup Ultra/others @ 0.5-1oz/1,000 sq ft.

Several brands available; consult labels for proper rates.

Apply postemergence on weeds. May be used before planting or crop emergence on actively growing weeds. Consult product label for plant back intervals. Avoid spray drift to desirable plants. Spray weeds to wet but not to drip. Crops labeled include beets, carrots, celery, corn, cole crops, English and Southern peas, Irish potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, lima and snap beans, lettuce, greens, okra, onion, garlic, peanuts, radish, soybeans, sweet potatoes and asparagus (before spears appear).

Pre-Plant Incorporated:


Treflan 4 EC @

1/3 fl oz/1,000 sq ft on medium soil

1/2 fl oz/1,000 sq ft on heavy soils

Apply before planting and incorporate. Use on snap or lima beans, cole crops, Irish potatoes, sunflowers and greens. Incorporate before transplanting tomatoes, cole crops, pepper and celery. Also for asparagus beds and at half-rate post-emergence (crop) between onion rows. Treflan controls many small-seeded broadleaf weeds (pigweeds) and annual grasses.

Pre-Emergence (before crops or weeds emerge):


Dual 8E @

1/2 oz/1,000 sq ft on sandy soil

1.0 fl. oz/1,000 sq ft on medium-heavy soil

Apply before or after planting snap or lima beans, soybeans, sweet corn, peanuts, popcorn, Irish potatoes, Southern peas, English peas and chickpeas.

Apply after planting snap or lima beans, sweet corn, peanuts, popcorn, Irish potatoes, southern pecans, English peas and chickpeas. Provides good residual grass control and controls some broadleaf weeds. Will not control emerged weeds.


Dacthal 75% WP @

4.0 oz/1,000 sq ft on sandy soil

5.0 oz./1,000 sq. ft. on med-heavy soil

Apply after planting snap beans (not limas), Southern peas, greens, radish, garlic, onion, cole crops, Irish or sweet potatoes. Apply after transplanting tomatoes, peppers, cole crops and cucurbits. Apply 4-6 weeks after transplanting eggplants. Controls many annual grasses and some broadleaf weeds.

Post-Emergence (after crop and weeds emerge):


Basagran 4 EC @ 1/2-3/4 oz/1,000 sq ft

Snap or lima beans, mint, Southern peas, peanuts, English peas and corn. Apply to small actively growing broadleaf weeds and yellow nutsedge. This treatment will not kill grasses. Very effective on yellow nutsedge. Needs an adjuvant; see label.


Fusilade DX @ 0.5 oz/1,000 sq ft

Apply with NIS @ 0.33 oz/gal

Spray on young actively growing grassy weeds. Spray to wet weed foliage. Use on asparagus, carrots, onions, spinach, sweet potatoes, hot peppers and non-bell peppers. Effective on johnsongrass and bermudagrass.

1/17/2020 9:45:12 PM
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