Every backyard garden needs at least one tomato plant, and certain varieties will do well in Louisiana.
The LSU AgCenter Hammond Research Station created a new outreach program in 2015 to annually introduce and distribute unfamiliar plants.
The LSU AgCenter regularly conducts tomato variety trials. Here are the results with the top performers.
Topics include the invention of nanosalt to reduce salt content of foods, new Advanced Master Gardeners graduates, Provisia rice technology, and more.
Six College of Agriculture students received University Medals, a research project in Mozambique, fashion group has runway show, and more.
Over the past several years, the LSU AgCenter has received grants totaling more than $750,000 for research and promotion projects to support specialty crops.
The sweet potato has a system of roots that allow it not only to obtain soil-based resources like water and nutrients but also store food reserves.
Chamberbitter, also called gripeweed or leaf flower, is a highly invasive summer annual broadleaf weed.
Virginia buttonweed is widely considered the most invasive weed infesting turfgrass in the South.
The three plants selected as Super Plants for 2016 bring the total number of plants in the program since it started five years ago to 35.
The LSU AgCenter has tested these trees and found them to be excellent choices for Louisiana landscapes.
The LSU AgCenter has tested these shrubs and found them to be excellent choices for Louisiana gardens and landscapes.
The LSU AgCenter has tested these warm-season flowers and found them to be excellent choices for Louisiana gardens and landscapes.
The LSU AgCenter has tested these cool-season flowers and found them to be excellent choices for Louisiana landscapes and gardens.
With showy summer flowers, attractive bark color and brilliant fall foliage, crape myrtles are the most widely planted summer landscape tree in the South.
Chilli thrips is native to south Asia and has become a worldwide pest of horticulture commodities, including tomatoes and strawberries.
Much of the decline in pollinator populations can be attributed to habitat loss, disease and parasites, pollution and pesticides.
Louisianans have various definitions of what constitutes a “Creole” tomato.
The landscape of south Louisiana has changed over the past century, and so has the mission of the LSU AgCenter Hammond Research Station.
The Hammond Research Station offers a wonderful place to take a walking tour. Here are some sites to see.
An idea born 15 years ago has become a bi-annual teaching tool that shows students how food gets from the farm to their table.
Here are some tips for growing the best tomatoes.
Beekeepers are faced with numerous factors – pests, disease and loss of habitat – that can affect the health and well-being of their colonies.
With an array of beautiful colors and a variety of tex¬tures, lettuce has some of the widest ranges of selections within most of the vegetable crops grown today
Roses continue to be one of the most widely planted flowering shrubs in Louisiana.
Pecans and figs continue to be popular crops in Louisiana while continuous freezes have nearly decimated the peach industry.
From sweet potatoes to mayhaws the horticulture industry in Louisiana is diverse and wide encompassing.
This issue of Louisiana Agriculture focuses on Louisiana Specialty Crops research and promotion projects being conducted at the LSU AgCenter. 36 pages