Campus Dairy Store still cool after 40 years. From its humble beginnings in 1973 as a project between the student government association and the Dairy Science Department, the popularity of the LSU Dairy Store remains strong. Read more.
Sanders testifies on giant salvinia invasion. SHREVEPORT, La. – A Brazilian weevil that feeds on giant salvinia is a biological control for the invasive species that has been taking over water bodies in Louisiana since it was first discovered in the state in the Toledo Bend reservoir in 1999. Read more.
Louisiana seafood good choice for summer grilling. Louisiana seafood is fast and easy to grill for summertime eating enjoyment because it has smaller percentages of skeletal and connective tissues than equal portions of red meats or poultry, according to LSU AgCenter nutritionist Beth Reames. Read more.
Rice acreage reduced, salt water threatens fields. LAKE ARTHUR, La. – U.S. rice acreage has fallen significantly, and that could affect prices, according to LSU AgCenter economist Mike Salassi. Read more.
(These articles were published in the spring 2011 issue of Louisiana Agriculture Magazine.)
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture