With flu in the news, it’s a good idea to reassure your children you’re going to keep them as safe as possible. This is advice from two LSU AgCenter family life specialists, Diane Sasser and Becky White.
Officially known as H1N1, this flu outbreak has captured attention across the country and could result in children being fearful about it.
Sasser and White say help children keep everything in perspective.
"In instances like these, we adults forget that children can pick up on our fears and hear conversations filled with our own speculations," White said. "A child can mix up real fear and make-believe fear. This is normal, but he or she will need your help to separate the facts from fiction."
Talking to your child about a flu outbreak or any hazard is helpful in preventing fear and in reducing the risk of infecting others, the experts advise. They provided these tips on actions you can take to help your children:
The LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture